敛容[liǎn róng]
词典assume a serious expression:敛容。
敛容[liǎn róng]
[书] (收起笑容) assume a serious expression
1. 他说话时抬着头,其他时候则低眉敛容。
When he spoke he looked up, but other wise he kept his eyes down.
2. 敛容
2. 听到这里,没心肝的蟾蜍居然偷偷地噗嗤笑了出来,跟着又敛容正色,做出特别庄重严肃的样子。
Here the unfeeling Toad broke into a snigger, and then pulled himself together and tried to look particularly solemn.
3. 他把车子放慢下来,但并没打算停,直至到我们开得近一点,车行门口那群人屏息敛容的面孔才使他不由自主地把车刹
He slowed down, but still without any intention of stopping, until, as we came nearer, the hushed, intent faces of the people at the garage door made him automatically put on the brakes.