

Effect of fools;
效愚 双语例句

1. 效愚的解释

1. 北京奥组委执行副主席蒋效愚透露,北京奥运会开幕前的最后一次奥运歌曲征集活动3月10日结束,奥组委将邀请专家评选出奥运会主题歌,这项工作将于四、五月份完成。
    Executive vice president of the Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee announced the last day to collect submissions for the Olympic theme song was March 10th. The BOGOC will invite experts to judge and help select the winning theme song, by April or May.

2. 效愚的解释

2. 蒋效愚说,游泳馆明年1月进行一次试用比赛。
    Jiang said the aquatics venue is ready for a test event in January.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 在2011年8月5日举行的中国青少年体育发展论坛中,北京奥促会副会长蒋效愚教授曾说,中国在近20年中,由于各种复杂因素的作用,中国人的体质正在明显滑坡。
    At the China Youth Sports Development Forum on August 5, 2011, the Vice President of Beijing Olympic Association, Professor Jiang Xiaoyu said that, due to various complex issues, the public health of Chinese people was getting worse in the past 20 years.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 巴基斯坦奥委会主席向蒋效愚献上了献花,说他觉得很激动。
    The POA president said he has got " great feelings " after offering a bunch of flowers to Jiang.

5. 效愚是什么意思

5. 巴基斯坦奥委会主席向蒋效愚献上了献花,说他觉得很激动。
    The POA president said he has got " great feelings " after offering a bunch of flowers to Jiang.

6. 效愚的翻译

6. 在2011年8月5日举行的中国青少年体育发展论坛中,北京奥促会副会长蒋效愚教授曾说,中国在近20年中,由于各种复杂因素的作用,中国人的体质正在明显滑坡。
    At the China Youth Sports Development Forum on August 5,2011, the Vice President of Beijing Olympic Association, Professor Jiang Xiaoyu said that, due to various complex issues, the public health of Chinese people was getting worse in the past 20 years.

7. 效愚

7. 圣火代表团由手提圣火灯的北京奥组委执行副主席蒋效愚率领。
    The flame delegation is headed by Jiang Xiaoyu, vice president of the Beijing Organizing Committee of Olympic Games, who carried the flame lantern.
