1. 而我仍得做工。於是重操故业当水泥匠
But I needed to work, so I went back to my former trade as a plasterer.
2. 故业
2. 彼得在耶稣被钉之后,希望幻灭,他重操故业,打渔去。
When Jesus died on the cross, Peter lost hope in everything.
3. 这趟重操故业,真可说是「一为神功、二为弟子」,往后就可以藉著做生意的理由常往台湾跑,了解这宝岛上更多的风土人情。
This is a very different Taiwan from the one I know!
4. 故业是什么意思
4. 因为我必恢复这地的故业、像起初一样;这是永恒主说的
For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were before, 'says the Lord.
5. 那么我也就能弃绝雅各的后裔、和我仆人大卫的后裔,不从他后裔中选取了做统治者来管理亚伯拉罕以撒雅各的后裔。因为我一定要恢复他们的故业,一定要怜悯他们。
Then I will give up caring for the seed of Jacob and of David my servant, so that I will not take of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will let their fate be changed and will have mercy on them.