1. 然后,我们收捡我们采购的东西,店主人点头哈腰把我们送出店。
Then, collecting our purchases, we were bowed out of the shop by the owner.
2. 收捡
2. 她的整个身心一点不落地都给这拾穗人收捡了去。
And reaped and garnered her, with nothing left for the gleaners.
3. 它还包括不延长你的午餐时间,填补花费或者收捡狗便。
Honesty is more than not telling lies.
4. 收捡
4. 爸爸用一个看起来像除草机的小机器来收捡垃圾,而我和妈妈则要清空垃圾桶并用手拾捡散落的垃圾。
Mom and I emptied garbage cans and picked up litter4 by hand.
5. 收捡是什么意思
5. 扫完地后,请把扫帚收捡好。
Put the broom away after you sweep the floor.
6. 窗外太阳升起来了,当政委收捡起他完成了的备忘录去办公室时,微风吹来阵阵花香。这是一段描述。
The breeze wafted the fresh scent of flowers into the room as the commissar picked up his finished memorandum and started off to the office.
7. 你最好把这些文件收捡在一起。
You had better keep these papers together.
8. 穿着一些人丢弃的衣服;被遗弃的孩子流浪在路边;收捡一些被丢弃的家具。
Wearing someone's cast-off clothes; throwaway children living on the streets; salvaged some thrown-away furniture.