

攀亲[pān qīn]

词典claim kinship攀亲。


词典profess to be sb. else's relation攀亲。

攀亲 汉英大词典

攀亲[pān qīn]

(拉亲戚关系) claim kinship; profess to be sb. else's relation

攀亲 网络解释

1. 攀亲

1. establish friendly relationship with other units or organizations:盘活存量资产liquidize remnant assets | 攀亲establish friendly relationship with other units or organizations | 攀岩mountain-climbing

攀亲 双语例句

1. 我真不知道在这种唯利是图的时代,穷爵士的女儿上哪儿去攀亲
    I want to know which is the quickest way of getting to Singapore.

2. 与我攀亲可以,欺骗我可不行
    Birth is much, but breeding is more.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 与我攀亲可以,欺骗我可不行。
    Call me cousin, but cozen me out.

4. 在她看来,想要与富有的德伯家攀亲是那么地荒唐可耻。
    Trying to claim relationship with the rich d'Urbervilles seemed so foolish and shameful to her.

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5. 在她看来,想要与富有的德伯家攀亲是那么地荒唐可耻。
    O claim relationship with the rich d`Urbervilles seemed so foolish and shameful to her.

6. 攀亲

6. 即使丽迪雅能够 SSBBww 体体面面地结了婚,达西先生也决不会跟这样一家人家攀亲,因为8 Tt t 8。
    Had Lydia's marriage been concluded on the most honourable terms, it was not to be supposed that Mr.

7. 攀亲在线翻译

7. 走在津滨高速与开发区内,随处可见路牌上标有MSD的广告语,似乎只要在开发区的楼盘都要跟其攀亲带故,以彰显自我楼盘的高贵价值。
    Walking in the Jinbin high speed and Development Zone, everywhere signs marked with MSD on the ad words, it seems that as long as the real estate must be in the zone with its claim kinship with it is to highlight the noble self-estate value.

8. 攀亲的解释

8. 就算是非要跟艺术攀亲戚,也顶多是个姨表兄弟,不属于直系血缘关系。
    They simply were smashed all to shape has become a visual opposition to all the Red Guards.

9. 韩国生活在矛盾中,一方面试图通过去中国化和强势文明攀亲戚,另一方面又剽窃中国传统文化,由于自己的空虚和贫乏。
    It seems that Koreans have been living in a contradictory condition, which, on the one hand, through de-sinolization, affiliating themselves with the Western powers, yet on the other, shamelessly stealing Chinese heritages to make up their cultural poverty and emptiness.

10. 攀亲

10. 韩国生活在矛盾中,一方面试图通过去中国化和强势文明攀亲戚,另一方面又剽窃中国传统文化,由于自己的空虚和贫乏。
    It seems that Koreans have been living in a contradictory condition, which, on the one hand, through de-Sinolization, drives them to be affiliated with the Western powers, yet on the other, forces them to shamelessly steal Chinese heritages to make up their cultural poverty and emptiness.

11. 这显然是亲上攀亲
      It was decidedly a family match.

12. 攀亲在线翻译

12. 若是母校争气,风生水起则门庭若市,不但在新生报名日挤满了殷切的父母,平时也不乏热心的家长贡献时间精神,名正言顺攀亲搭戚,其良苦用心令人摇头叹息。
      At other times, it will have no lack of volunteers contributing their time and energy to its various programmes, trying to build up the right connections.
