

擂主[lèi zhǔ]



擂主 双语例句

1. 擂主的反义词

1. 如果它赢了,它将成为新擂主,并且继续和其它对手战斗,直到被战胜为止。
    If it wins, it is declared the new champion and will continue to battle opponents until it is dethroned.

2. 从前打擂时,如果有人要挑战擂主就把自己的帽子丢进擂台,就是参加竞争的意思。
    Who will throw his hat in the ring for the president election?

3. 擂主在线翻译

3. 本期的擂主是Tina08的同学,恭喜!
    Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night.

4. 让你的怪物和当前擂主较量。
    Pit your monster against the current cage champion.

5. 擂主在线翻译

5. 根据比赛规则:擂主如果守擂成功,就能获得一万元的奖励。
    According to the rules of the contest, if the former winner can defeat the challenger, he'll get a prize of 10, 000 yuan.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 只要攻擂成功,你就会成为新擂主
    As long as you win the challenge, you will be the new king of this arena.

7. 2005年作品《吉祥宝瓶》在《四川烹饪》杂志食雕、彩拼擂台赛荣获年度擂主第一名。
    2005 work " auspicious Aquarius ", " Sichuan Cooking " magazine food carving, color ring to fight annual Lei Zhu won the first game.

8. 2005年作品《吉祥宝瓶》在《四川烹饪》杂志食雕、彩拼擂台赛荣获年度擂主第一名。
    2005 work " auspicious Aquarius "," Sichuan Cooking " magazine food carving, color ring to fight annual Lei Zhu won the first game.
