

撬窃 双语例句

1. 我能不能知道您对最近一次撬窃案的看法?
    Can I know your standpoint on the recent burglary?

2. 另外我还想知道的是谁家被撬窃了。
    Something else I'd like to know is whose house was broken into.

3. 另外我还想知道的是谁家被撬窃了。
    Something else I'd like to know is whose house was broken in to.

4. 另外我还想知道的是谁家撬窃了。
    Something else i'd like to know is whose house is break into.

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5. 我能不能知道您对最近一次撬窃案的看法?
    Could I know your standpoint on the recent burglary?

6. 这一地区连续遭到撬窃的消息吓得许多人买了这种新锁。
    News of the serial thefts in this area frightened a lot of people into buying the new kind of locks to their doors.

7. 撬窃

7. 当阅读一本圣经诗句,姐姐一相信上帝希望她和她的姐妹们的都是撬窃被告的房子。
    Upon reading a Bible verse, Sister 1 believed that God wanted her to have the house that she and her sisters were accused of burglarizing.

8. 撬窃的近义词

8. 挂锁失灵招撬窃
    A bad padlock invite a picklock.

9. 她想他们可能是来撬窃房内东西的罪犯。
    She thought they might be criminals come to burgle the house.

10. 撬窃

10. 另外我还想知道的是谁家撬窃了。
    Something else I'd like to know is whose house has been broken into.

11. 根据平均律,你可以有把握地认为,你迟早会遭到撬窃的。
      The law of averages, you can safely assume that you will be burgled at some time.

12. 撬窃

12. 当我赶回去时,发现我的房间已遭撬窃
      I arrived back to find that my room had been burgled.

13. 撬窃的翻译

13. 邮局昨夜遭到撬窃,小偷携120000英镑逃跑。
      A post office was broken into last night, and the thieves got away with $ 120000.

14. 撬窃

14. 回到家发现屋子被撬窃时我真是又惊又怒。
      It was a nasty surprise to get home and find that someone had broken into our house.

15. 最近的犯罪数字表明,去年的撬窃案急剧增加。
      The latest crime figures show a sharp rise in burglaries over the past year.
