

撕打[sī dǎ]




词典beat up搅拌;搅匀(某物);<美俚>痛殴;毒打(某人)。

撕打 汉英大词典

撕打[sī dǎ]


beat up; maul; manhandle

撕打 网络解释

1. 撕打在线翻译

1. conbat:fat 肥 | conbat 撕打 | 366 楼 Date: 2007-09-17 11:59:04

撕打 双语例句

1. 领导告诉他不能回到原岗位工作的时候,他就诈尸般的撕打领导。
    The leader told him it was not the time for him to go back to his original position.

2. 我愤怒极了,把我的头顶到其中一个男孩的肚子上然后我们互相撕打起来。
    Angry, I rammed my head into the stomach of one and we began to slug each other.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 他们生活在这样的一面无形的墙的两端,激烈的矛盾不可调和。爱情的死亡,炙热的心的冷却不在愤怒撕打那一刻,而在于无形的墙下那不可调和的破碎的让人筋疲力尽的折磨。
    They were living in such an invisible wall between them that the heaviest battering with the strongest artillery would not penetrate, when love dies it is not in a moment of angry battle or when fiery bodies lose their heat; it lies broken and panting and exhausted at the bottom of a wall it cannot penetrate.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. 她说我很小气,我说她是骗子。然后我们撕打在一起了
    I was quite angry at that time, because she said that I was very parsimonious after I

5. 我说她是骗子。然后我们撕打在一起了
    Because she said that I was very parsimonious after I

6. 有一天他们俩为一些很愚蠢的小事情争吵撕打起来。
    One day, they were arguing and fighting over some silly little thing.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 在地牢里要和很多老鼠撕打,每一层迷宫都有一扇门,找到钥匙方可通过。
    In the dungeons and a lot of mice to Sida, each layer of the maze has...

8. 撕打什么意思

8. 不过,当它们相互撕打时,毒液就成了利弊参半的武器,可以杀死对方,也可以被对方的毒液杀死。
    Though it would be a two-edged weapon - When they fought each other.

9. 撕打的反义词

9. 这两个工作人员在办公室里粗鲁地撕打起来。
    The two workers got into an ugly fight in the office.
