

撒欢儿[sā huānr]





撒欢儿 汉英大词典

撒欢儿[sā huānr]

[方] gambol; frisk

撒欢儿 双语例句

1. 撒欢儿

1. 让我撒欢儿地享受,但只让我活20年?
    Enjoy the best and you expect me to live only 20 years.

2. 几天后他就行动自如了,又叫又闹,在车库的地板上撒欢儿,弄得脖子上的铃
    After a few days he was back in action, barking, tinkling on the garage

3. 撒欢儿在线翻译

3. 几天后他就行动自如了,又叫又闹,在车库的地板上撒欢儿,弄得脖子上的铃
    After a few days he was back in action, barking, tinkling on the

4. 第四天,上帝整出一个人并对他说:你的工作就是吃喝玩乐睡大觉,撒欢儿地享受一辈子。
    On the fourth day, god created man and said to him, your job is to sleep, eat, and play. You will enjoy very much in your life.

5. 很久没出去晒太阳疯跑撒欢儿,老了弱了动不得了。
    In the sun too long, or my heart is getting old and weak.

6. 几天后他就行动自如了,又叫又闹,在车库的地板上撒欢儿,弄得脖子上的铃铛叮当作响,满屋子转悠着找饼干。
    After a few days he was back in action, barking, tinkling on the garage floor, and charging the house in hopes of getting a biscuit.

7. 狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿
    Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 它绕着餐桌转圈撒欢儿的速度让人看得直眼晕。
    His laps around the dining room table are made at dizzying speed.

9. 撒欢儿在线翻译

9. 当时这可爱的小马在草坪上愉快的撒欢儿,夏阳眼前一亮,凭借多年养马的经验,一眼便看出超凡脱俗之处。
    At that time, the lovely pony was gamboling happily on the lawn, Xia Yang`s eyes was bright at once, according on many years experience of horse breeding, he saw the unusual place of the horse at horse.
