

描红[miáo hóng]


词典trace in black ink over characters printed in red描红。

描红 汉英大词典

描红[miáo hóng]

trace in black ink over characters printed in red (in learning to write with a brush)

描红 双语例句

1. 我把我的描红给太太看,太太很高兴,取笔不厌其烦地为我做点、。。。
    My wife, my Miaohong to see his wife very happy to take document patiently for me to do, ...

2. 描红在线翻译

2. 李安:我让他用描红本来练习书写正规的中国汉字。
    Ang; I had him use copybook to write Chinese character in standard style.

3. 是描红本,都可以描
    Are like tracings; they can all be traced

4. 当幼儿到了开始书写的阶段,让4岁的孩子自己写或者描红大写字母而不是小写字母,是非常与其年龄相适应的。
    When it comes to writing, it is more age-appropriate to ask children who are four years old to print or trace capital letters and not small letters.

5. HSK汉字描红本》是一套专为外国人学汉字用的汉字练习册。
    HSK is the standardized test of Chinese language proficiency for speakers whose first language is not Chinese.

6. 起始当然是需纸样的,这相当于绘画中的临摹、书法中的描红
    Starting of course, need to pattern, which is equivalent to the copy painting and calligraphy in the Miao Hong.

7. 描红的反义词

7. 马奎斯继续说道:我们决心要进入联盟杯的决赛,而且要在联赛中挣尽可能多的分……(谁能告诉我描红的句子应该怎样翻译才比较顺?
    Márquez went on to we're out to make the final of the UEFA Cup and take as many points as possible in the league don't rule us out of that yet either.

8. 描红

8. 适用于培养有书法兴趣的初学者,描红版式的设计让初学者更容易掌握书法的笔画书写方法和基本要领,使其书法入门更轻松。
    Special design for calligraphy beginners, Chinese calligraphy tracing sheet edition benefits the beginners to command basic skill of calligraphy easier, and to make calligraphy ABC more easier.

9. CLEAR涂鸦笔,保质期一年,涂鸦笔与V-CLEAR系列写画板、涂鸦板、描红本等配套使用,随写随擦,可长期反复使用,经济实惠。
    V-CLEAR doodling pen, with the durability of1year, can be used together with V-CLEAR series painting board, doodling board or facsimile, It is easy wiping, repeatedly used, and economy.

10. 建立以下载次数升降的排序算法,实现对搜索结果列表中的关键字进行描红的技术。最后,本文设计了各个子系统,并实现了面向笔记本电脑驱动下载的垂直搜索引擎的原型系统。
    The setup of download the number of movements of the sorting algorithm, and on the search results list keywords by Miao Hong technology. Finally, each subsystem was designed and implemented for notebooks driver download vertical search engine prototype system.
