




推拒 双语例句

1. 推拒的反义词

1. 女人因害怕不能得到支持,所以无意间推拒了她需要的支持。
    Because she is afraid of not being supported, she unknowingly pushes away the? support she needs.

2. 即使你自己有烟,也要接受主人的烟,这与中国人的习惯不同,中国人往往会因为客气而有所推拒,但
    Differently, and Chinese people tend to be polite because Tuiju, but in the eyes of

3. 推拒在线翻译

3. 若不了解男人在这点上的差异,在他突然有亲密欲望时,她可能不信任他,而把他推拒出去。
    If she doesn't understand that men are different in this way, she may have a tendency to mistrust his sudden desire for intimacy and push him away.

4. 推拒的意思

4. 这两种力的推拒和平衡与气候变化、民族变迁、人口迁移密切相关。
    The climate changes at different time scale are the foundation for the options of different land use types.

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5. 为什么它一受伤就叫喊推拒
    Why does it cry and resist before it is hurt?

6. 若不了解男孩在这点上的差异,在他突然有亲密欲望时,她估计不信任他,而把他推拒出去。
    If IT doesn't understand those men are not variable in the way, IT may HAs a tendency to mistrust his sudden desire for intimacy and push him away.

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7. 地铁让我觉得紧张,人们将我推拒遥远
    Subway makes me nervous, people pushing me too far

8. 但是,牧师的表情中有一种推拒之意,令这位达官不敢上前,尽管他并不是那种乐于听命于人与人之间心息相通的隐约暗示的人。
    But there was something in the latter's expression that warned back the magistrate, although a man not readily obeying the vague intimations that pass from one spirit to another.
