

排箫[pái xiāo]



排箫 汉英大词典

排箫[pái xiāo]


排箫 网络解释

1. Pan Flute:74 Recorder 竖笛 | 75 Pan Flute 排箫 | 76 Bottle Blow 瓶木管

2. 排箫

2. Pan Flute PanFlute:075 竖笛 Recorder Recorder | 076 * 排箫 Pan Flute PanFlute | 077 吹瓶口 Bottle Blow Bottle

排箫 双语例句

1. 我吹的是排箫,你知道么?
    Do you know what I am playing?

2. 这或许就是我想象中的排箫
    Is this perhaps the pan flute I think it is?

3. 我不得不说他们看起来不错,当你得到你的新排箫的时候,我希望听到你对它们的评价。
    Dragonflypanflutes: I have to say they do look good, I look forward to hearing what you think of them when you get yours

4. 我希望这些课程可以帮助更多的中国人成为排箫演奏家!
    I hope these lessons can help many more people in China become panflutists!

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 我将用它为此类的悠悠排箫一些震撼人心并且美丽动人的广告。
    I will be able to make some stunning and beautiful advertising for UU Panflutes with a flute like that.

6. 排箫的近义词

6. 我衷心的期待着我的乌木排箫的到来。
    Panflutejedi: I am only waiting for my ebony flute to arrive.

7. 排箫的解释

7. 乌木排箫在后面,图片中左边的,就是给我做的。
    Panflutejedi: I can send you a pic of my flute under construction.....

8. 排箫

8. 恶意的排箫,使鲜花在你等我的湖畔重放!
    Syrinx, to reflower by the lakes where you wait for me!

9. 专辑里,远处传来一阵阵海浪声衬托着轻柔的旋律,排箫的吹奏伴着游移不定的管弦乐,让人不觉沉醉其间。
    Gentle melodies, using panpipes and floating orchestras, are set to a soothing background of distant ocean waves.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 弹奏竖琴、吹奏笛子以及其他产生相同效果的技艺中单独使用韵律和声调——例如排箫
    Rhythm and tune alone, harping, fluting, and other arts with same effect--e. g. panpipes.

11. 他们手中的排箫,箜篌等古典乐器十分珍贵,是研究我国音乐的重要资料。
      Paixiao their hands, the classical musical instruments such as Konghou very precious, my music is to study the important information.

12. 这盏大吊灯从设计到制造都是在澳大利亚完成的。它拥有三百个灯泡和六个排箫状的臂杆支撑着这些灯泡。
      This chandelier was designed and made in Austria. It has three hundred lights and six panpipe GetWord (" panpipe "); like arms which support these lights.

13. 隋唐之后,随着外来乐器的不断深入人心以及市民阶层音乐的兴起,排箫开始逐渐走下坡路,因此隋唐时期是中国古代排箫的最后一个顶峰。
      After the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with the continued popularity of foreign musical instruments and the rise of townsfolk music, panpipe began to decline, so the panpipe in Sui and Tang Dynasties in ancient China is the last peak.

14. 它拥有三百个灯泡和六个排箫状的臂杆支撑着这些灯泡。
      It has three hundred lights and six panpipe like arms which support these lights.

15. 有关排箫的文献记载从远古到清代从未中断过。
      Documented about the panpipe from Qing Dynasty has never been interrupted.

16. 从音乐史料中筛选出与隋唐排箫相关的内容,对排箫在隋唐时期的应用场合、乐队组合与排列情况、具体应用情况作出专门探讨。
      Screened from the music and the Sui and Tang historical pan-related content, the panpipe in the Sui and Tang Dynasties applications, combination and arrangement of the band, devoted to specific applications.

17. 这盏大吊灯从设计到制造都是在澳大利亚完成的。它拥有三百个灯泡和六个排箫状的臂杆支撑着这些灯泡。
      This chandelier was designed and made in Austria. It has three hundred lights and six panpipe GetWord (" panpipe "); like arms which support these lights.
