掌柜[zhǎng guì]
shopkeeper; manager (of a shop)
1. 掌柜是什么意思
1. shopkeeper:shootwithgreatprecision 百步穿杨 | shopkeeper 掌柜 | shopkeeper'sstrike 罢市
2. tommy:掌柜:tommy0755 | 070. The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself 人贵有自知之明 | 069. Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise 塞翁失马,安知非福
3. 掌柜
3. butikisto;mastro:掌管: administri | 掌柜: butikisto;mastro | 掌握: posedi;teni
4. 掌柜
4. kxjhaf:CTH--有揭薄旧票 | CTO--盖销新票 | 掌柜:kxjhaf