

掉换[diào huàn]





掉换 汉英大词典

掉换[diào huàn]

exchange; change; swop; swap:


    be assigned a new job; be transferred to another;


    replace the parts of the machine

掉换 双语例句

1. 掉换的近义词

1. 原定是古仔承受这一脚的,我想他不是武行出身,倒不如我跟他掉换位置,我受这些脚吧。
    Louis was meant to take one kick but I thought he didn`t have a martial arts background, so maybe I should do it.

2. 如果你能与一个人掉换位置,那会是谁,为什么?
    If you could switch places with one person, who would it be and why?

3. 掉换是什么意思

3. 你想过掉换一下工作吗?
    Have you ever thought of changing your job?

4. 他们两人掉换了工作。
    The two of them exchanged their jobs.

5. 掉换

5. 我不介意和她掉换一天位置。
    I wouldn't mind trading places with her for a day.

6. 掉换的近义词

6. 你还是马上买掉换钱的好。
    You'd better realize at once.

7. 如果不合适就把它拿回来,商店将给你掉换
    If it doesn't fit, take it back and the store will exchange it.

8. 掉换

8. 夫人,我们当然会给您掉换件大号的。
    Of course we'll change it for a larger size, Madam.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 如果考虑到经济和生态原因同意掉换缺陷的零部件,则掉换的零部件应在修理的情况下使用。
    If it is agreed to repair defective parts due to economic and ecological reasons, replacement parts shall be used in repair cases.

10. 引起索赔的产品应用新的零部件在车辆中进行掉换
    Products forming the subject of complaints shall be replaced in the vehicle by new parts.

11. 为什么你掉换了我包里的东西?
      Why did you change my thing in my medicine bag?

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 我们想与一个英国家庭掉换房屋。
      We'd like to exchange our home with that of a British family.

13. 当你横过溪流的时候,不要掉换你的马匹。
      Do not swap horses when crossing a stream.

14. 掉换的近义词

14. 第一天用的那些家具冉阿让从来不曾掉换过,不过珂赛特住的那个小间的玻璃门却换上了一扇木板门。
      Jean Valjean had made no alterations in the furniture as it was the first day; he had merely had the glass door leading to Cosette's dressing-room replaced by a solid door.

15. 本文建立了互惠掉换的一般模型,并以债权/股权互换、订货批量定价两个经济管理中的典型问题为例,说明互惠掉换在实际中的应用。
      The general model of swap is formulated in this paper and two typical examples of management are provided, one on debt/equity swap and the other on merchandise ordering pricing, to illustrate the applications of the idea of swap.

16. 掉换什么意思

16. 要使单相异步电动机反转,关键在于改变旋转磁场的旋转方向,但又不能像三相异步电动机那样靠掉换两根电源线来实现。
      In order to make it true, the key is to change the direction of revolving magnetic field, but it cannot be achieved by exchanging the two wires which connected with the power.

17. danci.911chaxun.com

17. 本文建立了互惠掉换的一般模型,并以债权/股权互换、订货批量定价两个经济管理中的典型问题为例,说明互惠掉换在实际中的应用。
      The general model of swap is formulated in this paper and two typical examples of management are provided, one on debt / equity swap and the other on merchandise ordering pricing, to illustrate the applications of the idea of swap.
