


词典beat clothes when washing捣衣。

捣衣 网络解释

1. 捣衣什么意思

1. Dao Yi:12. 校仙游 Xia Xian You | 13. 捣衣 Dao Yi | 14. 搔首问天 Saoshou Wen Tian

2. PESTLING CLOTHES:09 泛沧浪 Fancang Waves | 10 萧湘水云 The Water And Cloud In Xiaoxiang | 11 捣衣 Pestling Clothes

3. Beating Clothes at the Riverside:2、秋江夜泊 Mooring in Shore in the Autumn Night | 3、捣衣 Beating Clothes at the Riverside | 4、归去来辞 Returning Home after Resignation

4. 捣衣


捣衣 双语例句

1. 那时候,蛙踞在荷叶上鼓噪;青石板的捣衣声;纳凉人们的说笑声,摇动蒲葵扇拍打蚊蝇的声音,一起在这塘边弥漫。
    At that time, frog squat on a lotus leaf uproar; quartzite sound of the pounding clothes; enjoy the cool air of people and laughter, shaking fan palm fan slapped mosquitoes, the sound together in this pond filled.

2. 在这里可以直接感受到临河捣衣的古朴民风,以及韩国人举行婚礼和葬礼时的盛大场景。
    You can also see a traditional Korean wedding and funeral with all their associated customs in small miniature models.

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3. 她得收拾捣衣
    She had to collect laundry to beat.

4. 玉户帘中卷不去,捣衣砧上拂还来。
    From year to year the moons look alike, old and new.

5. 美好的闺房中的门帘卷不去月光,在捣衣石上拂去月光但它又来了。
    Beautiful boudoir curtain in volume do not moonlight, at the flick ramming stone clothing moonlight but it came again.

6. 捣衣的意思

6. 捣衣、纺织、刺绣是形成丝绸美的几道重要工序,也是诗人笔下经常被题咏的对象。
    Punching, weaving and embroidering are the key steps for producing the beauty of silk and also is what all two often poem-chanted by poets in Tang Dynasty.

7. 这时他心里有着这种连自言自语也算不上的模糊想法,由于他的内心活动已极微弱,便连自怨自艾的力量也失去了,在这种百感交集的迷惘中,他感受了外界的种种活动,他听到在他后面,他的下面,哥白兰河两岸传来了洗衣妇的捣衣声,他又听到鸟雀在他上面的榆树枝头嘤鸣啼唱。
    Nevertheless, athwart this painful extrication of indistinct ideas which was not even a monologue, so feeble had action become in him, and he had no longer the force to care to despair, athwart this melancholy absorption, sensations from without did reach him. He heard behind him, beneath him, on both banks of the river, the laundresses of the Gobelins beating their linen, and above his head, the birds chattering and singing in the elm-trees.

8. 以捣衣入诗表现的是闺怨闺思,对本诗相思离别的主题起着一定的暗示作用。
    The portraying of it in the poem is to express the complaint and missing and it plays a suggestive role in revealing the theme of departure.

9. 而在文学的发展流变中,以《捣素赋》为原型意象的捣衣诗也在经历着由艳丽而到迢渐切近现实人生的变化。
    In the trend of literary development, the prototype image based on " Dao Su Poem " also underwent change from splendor to the approach of real life.

10. 捣衣

10. 而在文学的发展流变中,以《捣素赋》为原型意象的捣衣诗也在经历着由艳丽而到迢渐切近现实人生的变化。
    In the trend of literary development, the prototype image based on " Dao Su Poem " also underwent change from splendor to the approach of real life.
