

振臂一呼[zhèn bì yì hū]

词典raise one's arm in a call for action振臂一呼;震臂一呼。


词典raise one's hand and issue a rousing call振臂一呼;震臂一呼。

词典raise one's arm and cry for action -- to issue a call for action振臂一呼。

词典sound the trumpet call of action振臂一呼。

振臂一呼 汉英大词典

振臂一呼[zhèn bì yì hū]

raise one's arm in a call for action; raise one's hand and issue a rousing call; raise one's arm and cry for action -- to issue a call for action; sound the trumpet call of action

振臂一呼 双语例句

1. Social problems不是我振臂一呼就能解决的,种种批评,也像风一般,吹过就算了,那草还是那草,花还是那花,只不过风吹过之后能让我这种容易头脑发热的人感到一点点掩耳盗铃的舒服罢了,可是现在追求这种舒服似乎也成了一种罪过。
    We Christiansarelike the points on the surface. We're organized by the power of God, and we are all serving Him andHe is our direction. If we're too noisy, we may distract other people's attention. We need fellowship and love for each other, but weshould know who is our king. That is the world our Father expects.

2. 虽然,我们没有振臂一呼而应者云集的权力,也没有腰缠万贯的荣耀。
    Although we have not raised a call should be to gather the power of the wealthy and no glory.

3. 20世纪80年代是一个高扬古典传统启蒙精神的时代,是一个知识者振臂一呼、应者云集的时代。
    It's an exciting era in the 1980s, when knowledge group raise classical enlightenment tradition and spirit.
