

按图索骥[àn tú suǒ jì]

词典look for a noble steed to correspond with the one drawn按图索骥。

词典look for a steed with the aid of its picture -- try to locate sth. by following up a clue

词典follow up a clue to find sth.按图索骥。


词典follow up a lead to solve a problem按图索骥。

按图索骥 汉英大词典

按图索骥[àn tú suǒ jì]

look for a noble steed to correspond with the one drawn; look for a steed with the aid of its picture -- try to locate sth. by following up a clue; follow up a clue to find sth.; follow up a lead to solve a problem; locate sth. by a plan or chart; search a

按图索骥 网络解释

1. Looking for a steed with the aid of its picture:按图索骥 Looking for a steed with the aid of its picture | 百发百中 A hundred shots, a hundred bull's-eyes | 班门弄斧 Showing off one's proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter

2. 按图索骥什么意思

2. look for sth by a chart:86. 挨门逐户:go from door to door/go from house to house | 87. 按图索骥:look for sth by a chart | 88. 百依百顺:obey in every way

3. try to locate sth by following up a clue:案头 on ones desk | 按图索骥 try to locate sth by following up a clue | 按蚊 anopheles malarial mosquito

4. 按图索骥的反义词

4. try to find sth. by following up a clue;deal with a matter in a mechanical way:16.按部就班:follow the prescribed order. | 17.按图索骥:try to find sth. by following up a clue;deal with a matter in a mechanical way. | 18.暗度陈仓:(of a man and a woman) enter into a secret liaiso...
