

A stamp;
指戳 双语例句

1. A :我们很有兴趣和中共谈谈,因为我们并不是想拿这个片子来指戳他们的脊梁骨。
    ON ALPERT: Well, we're interested in talking with the Chinese government, because we didn't make this film to poke them in the eye.

2. 心碎的感情还没有恢复,就有人指戳你是坏女孩了。
    When you don't recover from heartbreak, you may be pointed as some bad girl.

3. 指戳

3. 新西兰政府的指戳可能是最终触动中国政府采取行动的原因。9月8日持有43%三鹿股份的新西兰乳品企业Fonterra告知新西兰政府,三鹿曾在8月2日告知Fonterra奶粉存在问题,那时离奥运会开幕还有6天。
    Prodding from the government of New Zealand may have been what eventually goaded the Chinese authorities into action. On September 8th it told them what it had learnt from Fonterra, a New Zealand dairy company that owns 43% of Sanlu. Fonterra says it was told by Sanlu of a problem with the powder on August 2nd, six days before the games.
