


shoulder bag有肩带的女用手提包。

挂包 双语例句

1. 但是我发现我的手机并不在挂包里,而是遗漏地办公桌上了。幸好Sophia带着手机出来,于是我借了她的手机,尝试与深圳总部联系。
    Then I found my mobile phone was not in my bag but left on the desk, lucky that Sophia`s holding her mobile on her hand, so I borrowed her phone and tried to call SZ office, after many times of failed to connect I gave up.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 臂挂包是橙色的,很刺眼,或许会是一些人追求的效果,然而可能并非我所愿,有谁知道呢?
    So, you do not have to worry about whether the environment in a restaurant is good enough or not.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 等我回头来拿,挂包已经被盗。
    When I returned the pannier had been stolen.

4. 小偷抓了那个妇女的挂包便跑。
    The thief grabbed the shoulder bag from the woman and ran off.

5. 挂包是什么意思

5. 贼抓了那个妇女的挂包就跑。
    The thief grabbed the bag from the woman and ran off.

6. 一年前我做了一件蠢事。我把自行车锁在办公室外面,而忘了拿下挂包
    Just over a year ago, I foolishly locked up my bicycle outside my office, but forgot to romove the pannier.

7. 挂包的反义词

7. 它们原来没有放在自行车的挂包里,而是放在休息室的小背包里。这已经是我确认它们丢失后六个月之后了。
    It turns out they weren't in the bike pannier at all, but in a bag in my spare roomm where I found six months after supposedly losing them.

8. 那封信在我车上的挂包里。
    The letter is in my saddlebag.

9. 玛丽弄丢了挂包,更糟的是挂包里有她的身份证和护照。
    Mary lost her handbag, and the devil of it was that the handbag contained her ID card and passport.

10. 我们会在日出后不久起床,把睡袋、帐篷和生活用品装进挂包里,然后把挂包绑在单车上。
    We wake shortly after sunrise and pack our sleeping bags and tent, our lives, into our panniers and clip them onto our bicycles.

11. 房间只有13平方米,门边那两颗铁钉,一颗是用来给她挂包的,另一颗是用来挂雨伞的。
      The room was only 13 square meters with two nails on the wall next to the door, one for her to hang her bag and the other for hanging umbrellas.

12. 我们是一家生产型工厂,位在广州狮岭,工厂现在两名开发板师,50名员工,主要加工休闲包、腰包、挂包、洗水布包、化妆包,购物袋等,现想找长期合作的贸易公司或档口合作,本人真诚、讲信誉、易沟通、好配合、讲质量,是长期合作的最好选择,在现在的环境下,只有坦诚相待,讲信誉,你我实现双赢,才能有更好的发展。
      We are a production factory, located in Guangzhou Shiling, the factory now two development board division, 50 employees, mainly processing leisure packages, purses, Guabao, Water cloth, Huazhuang Bao, shopping bags, is looking for Long-term cooperation of the company or Dangkou trade cooperation, I sincerely, stressing credibility, easy communication and good cooperation stresses quality, long-term cooperation is the best choice, in the present circumstances, only a frank treatment, stresses credibility, I realize you Win-win situation, can we have better development.

13. 专门负责出口曰本、台湾、香港的工艺刺绣围裙、睡袍,日本和服等产品的设计,我的作品曾多次得到中国云南省各级政府奖励,1986年我创作设计刺绣的腊绣民族挂包荣获中国国家轻工部工艺美术品百花奖,优秀创作设计二等奖,我的有关事绩曾在云南电视台2003年12月20日对我做过专题报道,2003年10月6日云南经济频道曾报道过我的插花和刺绣作品。
      Yue responsible for the export of this, Taiwan, Hong Kong's craft embroidery apron, gown, Japanese kimono and other product design, my work on many occasions at all levels of government incentives to be China's Yunnan province in 1986, I creative design embroidery, embroidered ethnic hanging wax package was awarded China National Light Industry Ministry of arts and crafts Hundred Flowers Award, second prize of outstanding creative design, I have about things in Yunnan Television Heritage December 20, 2003 I worked on the topic reports, October 6, 2003 Yunnan's economy channels have been reported to my flower arranging and embroidery works.
