

拦击[lán jī]


拦击 汉英大词典

拦击[lán jī]

{体} volley

拦击 网络解释

1. 拦击

1. Waylay:55 Voice of Law 律法使者 2 | 56 Waylay 拦击 2 | 58 Academy Researchers 学院研究员 2

2. Volleyed:Fault 发球犯规 | Volleyed 拦击 | Double bounce 二跳

拦击 双语例句

1. 拦击在线翻译

1. 拦击球瞬间的身体空中姿势动作是以肩关节为中心,而不是以髋关节为中心形成的〈型。
    Besides, during the moment of blocking the ball, the body's posture is centered on the shoulder joint rather than the hipbone joint.

2. 拦击

2. 休伊特:有啊,但在今天的比赛中有19个球发球直接得分了,我没办法再去网前拦击了。
    But every match you're going to have to get better.

3. 她的拦击简直无法回击。
    Her volley was quite impossible to return.

4. 拦击

4. 把球回深会使你的对手在底线疲于奔命,并使你自己可以上网拦击对手的球。
    Keeping the shot deep will trap your opponent at the baseline and allow you to come in and attack the net.

5. 拦击

5. 拦击和阻挡在乒乓球比赛中是很好的技术。
    Volley and obstruct are good technique in ping-pong sport.

6. 这可以帮助你巧妙的将球拦击。而较大的后摆动作,会让选手很难把握击球时机。
    Taking the ball right off the bounce is tricky, and a big backswing makes the timing that much more difficult.

7. 其他母舰转变航向开始拦击
    The other hive ships are altering course to intercept.
