招降纳叛[zhāo xiáng nà pàn]
词典recruit deserters and traitors:招降纳叛。
词典draw deserters and traitors into one's service:招降纳叛。
词典recruit deserters and accept mutineers:招降纳叛。
词典recruit deserters and renegades:招降纳叛。
招降纳叛[zhāo xiáng nà pàn]
recruit deserters and traitors; draw deserters and traitors into one's service; recruit deserters and accept mutineers; recruit deserters and renegades:
例:招降纳叛, 结党营私
recruit deserters and traitors into a clique to pursue selfish interests; build up a following of deserters and renegades in pursuit of selfish ends
1. 曹操的很多人才,不管他的谋臣也好,他的将领也好,都是从敌营里面来的,他招降纳叛啊,这是对待投降自己的人。
Cao Cao`s a lot of talent, regardless of his advisers or his generals Are all from the inside of Di Ying, he Zhaojiangnapan ah, this is surrender to treat their own people.
2. 招降纳叛
2. 曹操的另一种用人之法是:招降纳叛,尽释前嫌。
Cao Cao`s another method of appointment is: Zhaoxiangnapan, Jinshi the hatchet.
3. 招降纳叛的近义词
3. 每一句法言法语,都饱含着我们的激情和心智;因为我们誓将一切最尖锐的矛盾,全都要降妖伏魔、招降纳叛到法律的场域中!
We have filled our passion and intelligence in each word and every sentence of legal language; because we vow that all the sharpest contradictions in the world must be ruled by law, conveyed to law and enjoyed by law.
4. 招降纳叛的翻译
4. 每一句法言法语,都饱含着我们的激情和心智;因为我们誓将一切最尖锐的矛盾,全都要降妖伏魔、招降纳叛到法律的场域中!
We have filled our passion and intelligence in each word and every sentence of legal language; because we vow that all the sharpest contradictions in the world must be ru led by law, conveyed to law and enjoyed by law.
5. 外交官日常工作,包括外交磋商和签署条约,甚至需要四处奔走招降纳叛,被看作是代表国家意志的重要喉舌。
His well-spoken manner and ability to read those he deals with will come to the fore whether he is being sent to impress, flatter, bribe, threaten or barter with foreign dignitaries and officials.
6. 招降纳叛的反义词
6. 招降纳叛,尽释前嫌。
Zhaoxiangnapan, Jinshi the hatchet.