



拖宕 双语例句

1. 拖宕的近义词

1. 肉体生命的败坏,向来是急求补救的,现在却被拖宕了,而生命的活力居然还能持续下去。
    So easy is it, though many housekeepers doubt it, to establish new and better customs in the place of the old.

2. 拖宕的解释

2. 该船几经周折拖宕后,已准备下水。
    After many difficulties and postponement, the ship is ready for launch.

3. 该船几经周折拖宕後,已准备下水。
    After many difficulty and postponement, the ship is ready for launch.

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4. 该船几经周折拖宕後,已准备下水。
    After many difficulties and postponements, the ship was ready for launching.

5. 该船几经周折拖宕後,已准备下水
    After many difficulty and postponement, the ship be ready for launch

6. 拖宕的解释

6. 攻击行动拖宕日久,国内反战的声浪渐渐大了起来,国际间对军事行动的看法也难免产生分歧,正中敌人下怀。
    But as the decision to strike drags on, anti-war voices begin to grow louder. It is also inevitable that countries in the world will have different views on the military response to be taken. Terrorists must be delighted at these developments.

7. 拖宕

7. 况且多所拖宕必然对于朕作为威尔士亲王及国王治下之众民伤害至深,而人民未来福祉为朕心中之宿愿。
    Moreover, further delay cannot but be most injurious to the peoples whom I have tried to serve as Prince of Wales and as king and whose future happiness and prosperity are the constant wish of my heart.

8. 拖宕的解释

8. 很不幸,工作时刻拖宕是为了减轻你的失败恐惧感和避免因沮丧和羞耻而引起的不安。
    Unfortunately, delaying the work of the moment to alleviate your fear of failure or to avoid discomfort will almost always set the stage for more disappointment and shame.
