

拓本[tà běn]


词典a book of rubbings拓本。

拓本 汉英大词典

拓本[tà běn]

a book of rubbings

拓本 网络解释

1. 拓本的翻译

1. a book of rubbings, rubbing from stone:a book of rubbings, rubbing from stone拓本 | a chronicle of somebody's life 年谱 | a horizontal inscribed board 匾额

2. 拓本的近义词

2. rubbingfromstoneinscription:rubbingfriction滑动摩擦 | rubbingfromstoneinscription拓本 | rubbingfromstoneormetalimscription拓本

3. 拓本的反义词

3. rubbingedition:rubbingdrum搓擦滚筒 | rubbingedition拓本 | rubbingeffect摩擦作用

4. rubbing from stone or metal imscription:rubbing from stone inscription ==> 拓本 | rubbing from stone or metal imscription ==> 拓本 | rubbing index ==> 摩擦指数

拓本 双语例句

1. 拓本

1. 比如说,丝围巾、石刻摹拓本以及剪纸轻而且是受人欢迎的礼物。
    For example speaking, imitateing a book of rubbings of silk muffler and carved stone and paper-cut is light and is the gift suffering man's welcome

2. 拓本

2. 周酉山之后,拓本由其子周恒收藏,1985年捐献给桑梓。
    Chou You-shan, Rubbings his son Zhou collection, in 1985 donated to Sangzi.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 在久视元年(700年)纪年的洛阳千祥庵的拓本中也有与此相同姿势的金刚力士像,在西安大雁塔里也残留了大致同时代的相同像的一部分。
    And another Vajrapāni figure partially preserved at the Dayan ta 大雁塔 in Xi`an, and of similar date.

4. 然而不幸中的大幸是,它的拓本一直在民间流传。
    Unfortunately, however, of great luck, it's been non-circulating Rubbings.

5. 拓本在民间的流传情况。
    Rubbings in the spread of civil cases.

6. 拓本的意思

6. 但是,初拓本在吴三桂叛乱之前就没有了下落。
    However, early in the Rubbings Wu Sangui before the rebellion there will be no missing.

7. 在这些藏书中有270,000册为稀有图书,1,600,000册古籍,35,000片龟壳或动物骨头的拓本
    In the collection there are 270, 000 volumes of rare books, 1, 600, 000 volumes of general ancient books, 35, 000 pieces of the scripted turtle shells and animal bones.

8. 图为汉字,女真字合壁的《奥屯良弼饯饮碑》局部拓本
    This is a partial rubbing of Aotun Liangbi Banquet Stele, a bilingual stele inscription of Chinese and Nuchen.

9. 拓本什么意思

9. 图为汉字、女真字合壁的《奥屯良弼饯饮碑》局部拓本
    This is a partial rubbing of Aotun Liangbi Banquet Stele, a bilingual stele inscription of Chinese and N uc hen.

10. 拓本在线翻译

10. 公司周三发布了关于定价方面的最新消息,宣布其本财年内产量的47%还需要定价。必和必拓财年周期是当年四月到第二年三月。这不禁让人对必和必拓本财年的收入产生疑问。
    The world's third-largest iron ore miner, in an update on iron ore pricing on Wednesday, said that 47 percent of its volume had yet to be priced for the current fiscal year, running from April to March, leaving major question marks over the miner's biggest income earner.

11. 这些是碑文摹拓本
      There are rubbings from tablet inscriptions.

12. 碑之原迹早已不存,研究者大多是以拓本摩本为据。
      As the original trail has not existed for a long time, the researchers mostly use the tablet rubbings as their basis.

13. 譬如说,丝巾、石刻摹拓本以及剪纸。这些东西轻,而且是受人欢迎的礼物。
      Things like silk scarves, stone? rubbings and paper? cuts are light, and they make lovely presents.

14. 在全面收集本时期墓志铭文的基础上(共521篇,有效资料420篇),结合墓志拓本和前人研究成果,认真地释读考订墓志铭文的韵字,祛伪辨误,择善而从。
      In this period, a comprehensive collection of the epitaph on the basis of combining the epitaph, rubbing and previous research results, the epitaph of the rhyming words for careful interpretation of textual, dispel false mistakes, choose and follow what is good.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 论文从严复为其珍藏的李邕《麓山寺碑》拓本撰写的题跋出发,全面考察严复与中国书法之关系。
      Based on the colophons of Yan Fu's cherished rubbings of the Lushan Temple Tablet, this paper examined in a comprehensive way the relation of Yan Fu and Chinese calligraphy.

16. 此外,在体验学习室里,可以亲自操作一把木版印刷和拓本,以及古代人用过的工具。
      Besides these, you can try wooden mask printing and the Takbon, as well as tools used by people in the past in the Learning Room.

17. 在研究尚处於极为薄弱的情况下,本文以此为选题,在充分利用各类拓本资料的基础上,对这一时期的碑别字进行了较全面的考察,梳理,研究。
      In view of the study of the malapropism on the carved stone on Six Dynasties being weak, the paper chooses this topic and more comprehensive researches on the malapropism on the period of time with the base on varies of rubbings.
