拆字[chāi zì]
词典见 “测字”[cè zì]
拆字[chāi zì]
见 “测字” [cè zì]
1. 拆字的解释
1. AFortuneTeller:卖扁食DumplingPeddler | 拆字AFortuneTeller | 卖皮草AFurPeddler
2. chai'zi:chai'zi 拆字 | you'yi'gu'lao'gu'shi, 由已故老故事, | yi'ye, 一夜,
1. 软件自带的五笔编码查询功能,可以让你查询6700个汉字的的五笔编码和五笔字根拆字图;软件中的文章练习也同时提供拆字图,有不会打的汉字,你就不用上网去查询,也不用去问同学和老师了。
Five built-in encoding software inquiry, you can query the 6700 character encoding and five of five root拆字map; software article拆字practice also provides maps, there is not will play the characters, you do not have access to information, do not ask the classmates and teachers.
2. 有些无师自通的“拆字家”甚至能从汉字中窥知中西两种文明暗合的内容。
Some gifted students are so good at deciphering a character by taking it apart that they can figure out what western civilization and Chinese civilization happen to share.
3. 五笔打字通是专门为五笔初学设计的,它操作傻瓜化,不用看帮助文档就可上手,独有的空心字提示非常直观,设计的存档功能,可以接着上一次练习继续学习,在文章练习中,按回车就可以得到帮助,从此不用再去问老师和同学某个字是如何拆字,无论是对于五笔初学者学习还是教五笔的老师的教学工作来说,这款软件都让大家很省心,下载使用五笔打字通都是很实用的,很有价值的!
Five typing is to design specifically for the five beginner, it operated a fool, and do not look at the help documentation can be started, the word unique hollow tips is very intuitive, functional design archive, you can then continue to learn from the last exercise, in the article exercise, press enter, they can gain help from then do not ask teachers and students how a word is拆字, whether it is for beginners to learn or teach five five teachers for the teaching work, this software so that everyone will be hassle free, download pass the use of five typing are very practical, great value!
4. 最后,在提出了对外汉字教学的最初阶段进行拆字教学的简单设想。
And an assumption of Chinese character teaching method is put forward in the last part.
5. 从咬文嚼字般的拆字法讲:长虫者,蛇也;闽者,关在门里的蛇也。
From the wording of the law as saying:长虫, the snake also; Fujian, and locked up in the door of the snake also.
6. 拆字在线翻译
6. 对于五笔初学者而言,最头痛的就是汉字如何拆分,有了五笔打字通,你就不用为汉字如何分解为五笔字根,即五笔拆字操心了,因为它会手把手地教你如何拆分,每敲击一下键盘,就会同时提示汉字编码,五笔字根拆分,要敲击的键位。
For beginners in terms of five, the biggest headache is how to split characters, with five pass typing, you do not have to be divided into five Chinese characters How to root, that is, five拆字worry about, because it would hand to teach How do you split, each tapping the keyboard, it will also prompt character encoding, five root separation (拆字detailed map), the key bit to percussion.
7. 拆字的反义词
7. 拆字作为一种最具有汉民族特色的修辞格,它古已有之,源远流长。
Separation of Chinese characters is one of the oldest ways of rhetorics of characters.
8. 他用拆字算卦的方法诈骗钱财。
He did fortune-telling by taking apart Chinese characters, so as to cheat people of their money.
9. 911查询·英语单词
9. 从汉代的图谶文字开始,直至文学作品与非文学作品,甚至于对联、字谜、测字、酒令等,都可见到拆字的运用。
The article intends to make the separation of Chinese characters clear and considers it as unusual character rhetoric features.
10. 拆字的意思
10. 在使用五笔字型的过程,要根据汉字的结构进行拆字,但是有些字在拆字根时有些特殊,这些您可以在平日里多加留心,并把它们给记住,时间一长,一些难拆的字也被您攻克了。
Five fonts in the use of the process, according to the structure of Chinese characters 拆字, but some words in some special 拆字 root, which on weekdays where you can pay more attention, and to transform them to keep in mind that over time, which are difficult to split Your words have been tackled.
11. 还用拆字小工具把字扌斥开,这样来避免相似度,效果很快出来了,收录恢复到51页。
Still provide a word Piao to open up with the coolie that tear open a word, such coming that avoid likeness to spend, the effect came out very quickly, collect restore 51 pages.