

抱厦 双语例句

1. 中为方亭式,面阔进深各三间,每面8.73m,四面明间各加抱厦一间,靠近城垣外侧两面地势局促,故抱厦进深仅为1.60m,而城垣内侧的两面地势较开阔,抱厦进深加大为3.98m,平面成为中点交叉的十字形,蕴含着曲尺楼的意匠,使得角楼与城垣这两个截然不同的建筑形体,取得了有机的联系。
    For the pavilion type, Miankuo into the deep of all three, each side 8.73m, four-ming from various Canadian Baoxia 1, near the City Wall lateral sides cramped terrain, it was only deep into the Baoxia 1.60m, while the inner city wall both sides of the terrain more open, Baoxia into an increasingly deep 3.98m, plane into the mid-point cross-shaped, contain a carpenter's square building artistic conception, making turret and the city wall construction of these two very different shape and made of organic links.

2. 二层檐四面各加一歇山式抱厦,四角各出一条垂脊,多角搭接相互勾连,檐下单翘单昂五踩斗栱。
    Plus eaves on all sides of a two-story style Bao Xia Xie Shan, one from each corner vertical ridges, c. overlap each other Goulian, Yan Xia Shan Alice Shan Ang five foot Dougong.

3. 后殿即毗卢殿,也是该寺的主殿,建在高1米的月台上,面宽三间,进深三间,前后有抱厦,平面呈十字形。
    Houdian Pilu Temple is also the Zhudian Monastery, built in the 1-meter high platform, three wide, deep into three, before and after Bao Xia, the plane was a cross.

4. 释迦殿为重泰寺中的重要建筑,单檐歇山布瓦顶,前出抱厦,甚是宏伟、庄严。
    Thai Buddha Hall of the temple for the importance of re-construction, 单檐歇山cloth roof, the former抱厦out, is very grand and solemn.

5. 只留宝玉黛玉二人这边解闷,却将迎,探,惜三人移到王夫人这边房后三间小抱厦内居住,令李纨陪伴照管。
    Keeping just Baoyu and Daiyu for company, she had sent Yingchun, Tanchun and Xichun to live in three small suites behind Lady Wang's quarters, under the care of Li Wan.

6. 前殿即释迦殿,面阔三间,进深三间,小式布瓦悬山顶,前有抱厦
    The Story of the Buddha that is, Qian Dian Dian, Miankuo 3, deep into the three small-bois hanging Peak, before Baoxia.
