抱不平[bào bu píng]
词典be outraged by an injustice:抱不平。
词典feel injustice done to another and wish to help:抱不平。
词典indignant at injustice:抱不平。
抱不平[bào bu píng]
be outraged by an injustice (done to another person); feel injustice done to another and wish to help; indignant at injustice:
defend sb. against an injustice
1. beoutragedbyaninjustice:beoutofpoliticalofficeoutofpower 在野 | beoutragedbyaninjustice 抱不平 | beowulf 八世纪的古代英史诗
2. 抱不平什么意思
2. ibbp:ibaa 白皑皑 | ibbp 抱不平 | ibbs 八宝山