

报户口[bào hù kǒu]


词典apply for a residence permit报户口。

报户口 汉英大词典

报户口[bào hù kǒu]

apply for a residence permit:


    apply for a temporary residence permit;


    register the birth of a child

报户口 网络解释

1. 报户口

1. applyforaresidentpermit:applyforapplicationform,etc.ApplicationApplyrequisition 申请 | applyforaresidentpermit 报户口 | applyointmentpowdersmearpainton 搽

2. sich polizeilich anmelden/den aufenthalt beim:派出所 das Polizeirevier | 报户口 sich polizeilich anmelden/den aufenthalt beim | 遵守合同 Einhaltung eines Vertrages, einen Vertrag einhalten /

3. 报户口

3. A.BeimMeldeamt:3.BeiderPolizei在警察局 | A.BeimMeldeamt报户口 | B.InderAuslanderbehorde在移民局

报户口 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 当然,与生孩子、报户口是没有关系的。
    Of course, with children, apply for a resident permit is not related.

2. 报户口什么意思

2. 当你有了新的电子邮件您报户口,其中有新的电子邮件。
    When you've got new email you'll be reported which account has new email.

3. 从我出生的一刻起,我的身份就与你有了天壤之别,因为我只能报农村户口,而你是城市户口。
    Rise momently from what I am born, my identity had great difference with you, because I can sign up for rural number of households and total population only, and you are urban number of households and total population.

4. 报户口

4. 可是昨天傍晚(考试日期最后一天下午五点以后)却有某人事局的有关同志通过手机发短信给我,说我的户口不可以报那个职位,我当时没有明白过来,而且是通过手机联系的,所以就问他用短信怎么不是固定电话打,然后他给了我一个办公室电话,叫21号(也就是报名截止的第二天)打电话给他,然后他说他也无能为力,然后我就向南京市办事处咨询,可是得到的答案却是要我们和报名地联系,然后我又打电话到报名地,就这样被推来推去的,我的报名被耽误了,现在我没有一点办法了,所以我想借助网络,让大家帮我想想办法。
    But yesterday evening (the last day of the test date after 17:00) are related to the comrades of the Personnel Bureau of a mobile phone and send text messages to me and say I can not account has been reported that job, I did not understand them, and through mobile phone links Therefore, he asked how to use text messages rather than fixed-line play, and then he gave me an office phone, call 21 (that is, the list closed on the second day) to call him, and then he said that he just can not do it, and then I have to Nanjing Office of the advisory, but the answer is we have to register and to contact, and then I call to register, so was pushed up to go, my application has been held up, now that I do not have the means Therefore, I would like to use the network so that you help me find a solution.

5. 报户口的积极尝试:你知道信用社典型don''t共享信息,但如果你能好沮丧,851月时间就全部帐目doesn''t赏光你信用报告。
    Try to Get Positive Accounts Reported: You know that the credit bureaus typically don'`t share information, but it can be frustrating if one of your good, paid-on-time accounts doesn'`t show up on all of your credit reports.

6. 报户口

6. 互联网提供的是一个无国界的交互平台,方便了世界各地的人们通过网络交流,产生内容,SNS社区也只是提供了一个职业交流、兴趣讨论的平台,而并非一个婚姻介绍所,不需要中规中规的报姓名、报户口、报家底来显摆,如果交流是愉快的,收获是有益的,何必在乎互联网对面是一个人或一只狗呢?
    What Internet offers is an alternant platform that does not have national boundaries, went to the lavatory the people of world each district passes network communication, generation content, SNS community just also provided the platform of a professional communication, interest discussion, and be not place of a marital introduction, the newspaper full name of the compasses in the compasses in needing, apply for a resident permit, newspaper family property accumulated over a long time comes show off, if communication is happy, results is beneficial, is caring why a person or a dog on Internet?

7. (二)假报户口或者冒用他人户口证件、居民身份证的;
    Faking a residence registration or assuming another person's residence registration or resident card;
