

报幕[bào mù]


词典screen and stage announcement报幕。

词典announce the items on a (theatrical) programme

报幕 汉英大词典

报幕[bào mù]

screen and stage announcement; announce the items on a (theatrical) programme

报幕 网络解释

1. 报幕的解释

1. Announcer:朱利安.奥维多.桑切斯Yulien Oviedo Sanchez | 报幕Announcer | 奥斯卡.费尔南多.欧迪奥.拉切科特Oscar Fernando Odio Lachicott

报幕 双语例句

1. 没人想阻止他,于是那人大声喊着报幕员儿子的名字,让他别管他。
    S and did t wo aerial loop s. T he passengers had a scar e when th at happened. When one of the

2. 我和一位合唱团的三十来岁的女孩是当天晚上的报幕
    A young lady in my choir in her early 30s and I were the anchors in the evening.

3. 虽然她们都能用流利的英语和中文极其认真地报幕,可跟宣科的脱口秀还是相差甚远。
    In 1978 they let me return to the mountain, I am without looking back to his hometown to teach school until retirement.

4. 当我站在台上报幕时,我发现大多数观众都是八十多岁的老人。由于行动不便,他们都需要青年人的帮助。
    When I was standing on the stage and telling the audiences what was the next program, I saw many elder people in the audiences, many of them were in their 80s, with the help of the young people to move them from one place to other.

5. 失望中,观众们议论纷纷,听也没听报幕说出代唱歌手的名字。
    The crowd 8groaned in disappointment and failed to hear the announcer mention the 9stand-in`s name.

6. 报幕是什么意思

6. 并且,因为我们那天晚上只用普通话报幕,而那些老人只能听懂广东话,因此我们还必须请一个我们合唱团的,会讲广东话的中年妇女来做翻译。
    And since we only used Mandarin to speak in that evening and those people only understood the Cantonese, so we had to ask a lady in our choir who could speak the Cantonese to translate.

7. 报幕员本应该说什么,最后却说成了什么?
    What should the advertiser have said and what did he actually say instead?

8. 报幕员用了几句话把歌唱家介绍给观众。
    The announcer introduced the singer to the audience in a few words.

9. 报幕员:等一下,你只是在重复我说过的话!
    Announcer: wait a minute, you're just repeating everything I say!

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. 然后,选择将用于旁白员或报幕员的声音,并记录开始时间,以便在剧本运行完时可以知道它运行了多长时间。
    Then, you select the voice to be used for the narrator or announcer, and note the beginning time so that you can get a measure of how long the play is when it has finished running.

11. 报幕的近义词

11. 是节目开始时那个报幕员的开场白。这场音乐会有两个报幕员,一位女士和一位男士。
      Came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme. There are two announcers of this concert, a female and a male.

12. 所谓剩下的巡回演出的报幕员。
      As the announcer for the rest of the tour.

13. 启动仪式是否会一一报幕嘉宾名字和头衔呢!
      Launching ceremony will announce guests one one names and titles!

14. 报幕

14. 那天晚上唯一有趣的事情是节目开始时那个报幕员的开场白。
      The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme.

15. 如果说叙述者是幕前报幕员,那么隐含作者就是小说幕后的操纵者。
      If narrator is the presenter on the stage, then the hidden writer is the manipulator behind the stages.

16. 报幕员:这是一个由计算机动画带给我们美不胜收的世界的时代,有一部影片却敢于露出丑陋的一面。
      Announcer: In a time where computer animation brings us worlds of unsurpassed beauty, one film dares to be ugly.
