

抢话[qiǎnɡ huà]


抢话 双语例句

1. 在回答一个问题之前要呼吸并停顿,这会给你时间斟酌答案,并确保面试官完成了提问。(不要抢话
    Breathe and pause before answering a question, this gives you time to react in a considered way and it ensures that the interviewer has finished the question.

2. 抢话

2. 员工们聚拢来,大嚼,闲话,抢话,大笑。
    Workers gathered to munch, gossip, kibitz, laugh.

3. 抢话

3. 你看有些人,瞪着眼睛看你说话,你以为他听进去了,他没有,他在找你说话的间歇来插言,来抢话
    You can see, some people are staring at your speaking, but if you think he is listening carefully, you are wrong, he's just seeking a intermittent to interpose, even interrupte.

4. 你看有些人,瞪着眼睛看你说话,你以为他听进去了,他没有,他在找你说话的间歇来插言,来抢话
    You can see, some people are staring at your speaking, but if you think he is listening carefully, you are wrong, he's just seeking an intermittence to get a word in, even to interrupt.
