

Catch the heart;
抓心 双语例句

1. 感觉有点像咖啡了,需要定期来点,不然就抓心挠肝的了。
    Zooey Deschanel, I'm so sorry.

2. 随着时间的慢慢推移,刘刚越来越依赖着若梅,只要有一天她不在线上,刘刚就抓心挠肝的痛彻心扉,一会站起来望望窗外,一会在屋里来回走动,简直就是魂不守舍。
    As time goes by slowly, more and more dependent on the Ruomei Liu Gang, as long as she did not have a day online, Liu Gang grasp on the heart of the liver scratch Tongche heart, I will stand up and looked out the window, one in the house, To move back and forth, it is Hunbushoushe.

3. 抓心是什么意思

3. 瘾一上来,让人抓心挠肝,得到以后,如梦似幻,醉生梦死,痛快在空虚中;得不到如百虫钻心般痛苦。
    Up one addiction, people grasp the heart of liver scratch, get after the dream, here to live in dreams, the emptiness in our hearts; not a hundred such as discrepancies in the actual worm-like pain.
