


词典press-gang able-bodied men抓丁;抓壮丁。

抓丁 双语例句

1. 起先他们揍了鹿钟麟所派的几个县长,接着又揍了石友三手下抓丁的人。
    First they beat up several of Lu Tsung-lin's magistrates. Then they turned on the draft officers of Shih and beat them up, too.

2. 抓丁的反义词

2. 例如,抓丁抄家这些组成部分既有一致的基调——痛苦与仇恨的交织,却又各自具备了独特的具体内容。
    For example, scenes like the conscription and the confiscation of farmers` meager properties share some keynotes—misery and rancor, intertwined—while boasting their own features.

3. 他的士兵都是从南方农村抓丁运到关外去的,那些当兵的、甚至连当官的都感到他们是身处异乡,思想感情同当地人民格格不入。
    Torn from their villages in the south and exported beyond the Great Wall, the soldiers and even the officers felt they were in a foreign country, where their feelings and those of the native population were refracted through entirely different mediums.

4. 抓丁什么意思

4. 敌人要抓丁,我们就组织壮丁逃跑,并与人民共同打散集合的壮叮
    When the enemy press-gangs men, we help the men to escape or join in the people's efforts to redisperse the men who have been gathered by the enemy.
