1. Sweep net:Sweat pore 汗孔 | Sweep net 扫网 | Symbiont 共生物
1. 2007年7月对河北赞皇嶂石岩国家级风景区蜘蛛群落结构进行了调查,采用局地取样与随机扫网相结合的方法,共采集蜘蛛标本1226头,隶属于24科61属81种。
The community structure of spider in Zhangshiyan scenic area of Zanhuang County, Hebei Province, China was studied in July 2007. With sampling and sweep-netting together, 1226 spider individuals were collected, which belonged to 24 families, 61 genera and 81 species.
2. 自2006年12月至2007年5月间,以扫网法与掉落式陷阱杯调查湾瓦之海岸防风林、湿地与草生地,采得节肢动物6844只,经分类鉴定,共有5纲15目77科,其中非昆虫节肢动物占18.9%,以蛛形纲最多;昆虫纲占81.1%,个体数以膜翅目20.8%、弹尾目19.3%、双翅目16.7%与鞘翅目11.3%较多。
We recorded 6844 individuals of Arthropoda from Wanwa coastal zone by sweeping net and pitfall trap, and identified as 5 classes, i. e., Arachnida, Diplopoda, Malacostraca, Chilopoda, and Insecta. The most part is Insecta (81.1%), including 15 orders and 77 families.