

托孤[tuō gū]

词典entrust an orphan to托孤。

托孤 汉英大词典

托孤[tuō gū]

entrust an orphan to (a friend, relative, etc.)

托孤 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 不过,他却终身未娶,他弟弟临终时将独生子卡尔托孤给他,他也就从此打消了结婚的念头。
    To Ludwig's care his only son Karl, he dismissed forever the thought of marriage.

2. 不过,他却终身未娶,他弟弟临终时将独生子卡尔托孤给他,他也就从此打消了结婚的念头。
    Nevertheless, he remained a bachelor, and when his brother died, commending to Ludwig's care his only son Karl, he dismissed forever the thought of marriage.

3. 埃德加·林惇沉默了一下;一种极度悲哀的表情笼罩了他的脸:为这孩子打算,他只会可怜他;可是,回想起伊莎贝拉的那些希望和恐惧,对于她儿子的热望,以及托孤时的嘱咐,再一想到竟要把他交出去,他难过极了,心中苦苦思索着怎么避免。
    Edgar Linton was silent a minute; an expression of exceeding sorrow overcast his features: he would have pitied the child on his own account; but, recalling Isabella's hopes and fears, and anxious wishes for her son, and her commendations of him to his care, he grieved bitterly at the prospect of yielding him up, and searched in his heart how it might be avoided.

4. 埃德加。林惇沉默了一下;一种极度悲哀的表情笼罩了他的脸:为这孩子打算,他只会可怜他;可是,回想起伊莎贝拉的那些希望和恐惧,对于她儿子的热望,以及托孤时的嘱咐,再一想到竟要把他交出去,他难过极了,心中苦苦思索着怎么避免。
    Edgar Linton was silent a minute; an expression of exceeding sorrow overcast his features: he would have pitied the child on his own account; but, recalling Isabellas hopes and fears, and anxious wishes for her son, and her commendations of him to his care, he grieved bitterly at the prospect of yielding him up, and searched in his heart how it might be avoided.

5. 刘备不久病故,临终时将太子刘禅托孤于丞相诸葛亮之手。
    Liu2 bei4 soon died, his deathbed will TuoGu ZhuGeLiangZhi prime minister liu chan prince in hand.

6. 托孤是什么意思

6. 在海尔坎第8团的变革发生以后ACE:死个老政委又死个大司战俩人死后还都托孤给冈特。
    Following the reformation of the Hyrkan 8th, Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt was assigned to lead the three regiments.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 中古英国的幼主托孤与王权运作&以亨利三世时代早期为主的考察
    Accession of a Child King and the Operation of Royal Power in Medieval England: an Examination Centered on the Early Years of the Reign of Henry ⅲ
