

打雪仗[dǎ xuě zhàng]

词典have a snowball fight打雪仗。


词典throw snowballs打雪仗。


词典Bataille de neige[电影]打雪仗。

打雪仗 汉英大词典

打雪仗[dǎ xuě zhàng]


have a snowball fight; throw snowballs

打雪仗 网络解释

1. have snowball fights:TY Thank you 谢谢 | 打雪仗:have snowball fights | 堆雪人:make snowmen

2. 打雪仗的反义词

2. have a snowball fight:make a snowman 堆雪人 | have a snowball fight 打雪仗 | go slading 坐雪橇

3. snow fighting:water gun 水枪 | snow fighting 打雪仗 | hula hoop 呼啦圈

4. snowball fights:snowball 雪球 | snowball fights 打雪仗 | snowy 下雪的;多雪的

打雪仗 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 我们还打雪仗了呢,我拿了一些雪,放入一个小女孩的衣服帽子里,后来融化了,她的帽子全湿了!
    We still fought snow battle, I took some snow, putting into a clothes hat of little girl, melting afterwards, her hat is whole wet!

2. 我们一起做游戏,玩捉迷藏、打雪仗,也常常携手漫步,讨论功课,高声朗诵美妙的诗文。
    I joined them in many of their games, even blind man's buff and frolics in the snow; I took long walks with them; we discussed our studies and read aloud the things that interested us.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 在许多地方,冬天意味着滑冰、滑雪撬和打雪仗
    Winter in many places means iceskating ice skating, sliding sledding and snowball fights.

4. 然而,由于北方四季分明的气候,使得各个城市在不同的季节都有不同的姿态,而我更倾心于北方的雪,回想起小时候,年年冬天可以看到雪花漫天飞舞的景像,伴着雪花的飞舞,我常和小朋友们夜晚在路灯下一起堆雪人、打雪仗,清
    Actually this greeting makes all staffs happy and energetic or serious sometimes. The reasons why I say so are that they hope you start your job joyfully at the beginning of a working day, and also they imply their coming and you have to work hard and seriously

5. 打雪仗

5. 我和朋友们打雪仗
    I have snowball fights with my friends.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 如果 下雪了,外面都变成白色的时候,我们就冲出去堆雪人,打雪仗
    If it snowed and all became white outdoors we would rush out to make snowm or to have snowball fights.

7. 打雪仗的翻译

7. 我不想回家,我想和你玩打雪仗
    I want to have a snow ball fight with you.

8. 房顶上有一层白雪;瞧,那树枝上也有一层白雪,雪在脚下又松又软,正是打雪仗的好时机!
    There is a layer of snow on the roof; see, it also has a layer of snow on the branches, the snow at the foot of another song again soft, snowball fight is a good time!

9. 打雪仗

9. 我从小就喜欢雪,喜欢飘雪的日子,喜欢那雪后清新的空气,喜欢对着白皑皑的天宇,深呼一口气的那种惬意,喜欢阳光下,白雪折射出的斑斓光彩,喜欢在雪地上,滚雪球、堆雪人、打雪仗的追逐嬉戏,喜欢在雪地上的散步,脚下发出的咯吱咯吱的声息,喜欢那身后雪地上留下的一串串足迹,更喜欢雪在我心底留下的童年欢笑、带着苦辣的记忆
    I have always liked snow, snowing like the day after the snow like the fresh air, like the front of white-capped Tian, deep breath call the kind of nice, like the sun, the snow reflects the gorgeous luster, like the the snow, snowball, snowman, snowball fight of the chase playing like a walk in the snow, at the foot of the noiselessly issued Lozhikazhi, like the snow left behind a string of footprints, preferring to leave the snow in my heart childhood laughter, with Kula's memory......

10. 我喜欢冬天,外面虽然很冷,就是我们可以堆雪人、打雪仗,所以我们就不怕冷了,有时外面下起了鹅毛大雪,雪景可好看了!
    I like winter, cold outside, though, is that we can snowman, snowball fights, so we will not stand the cold, and sometimes outside it began to snow goose, snow can be good-looking in!

11. 春季从4月下旬到5月中旬,冰雪消融,百花盛开,是观赏兴安杜鹃和采摘山野菜的最好季节;夏季从6月初开始,伊春清风送爽,万山滴翠,最适宜漂流、避署度假、森林观光、登山和自驾旅游;秋季从9月中旬开始,伊春便成了一个多彩的世界,放眼望去,层林尽染,万紫千红,五花山色使游人如入仙境,成为诗人、画家、摄影家创作的天堂,也是采蘑菇、摘榛子、打松塔,感受秋日收获喜悦的时节;到了冬季,美丽的小兴安岭银装素裹,琼枝玉叶,观赏雾凇、滑雪、堆雪人、打雪仗、驾驶雪地摩托。。。。。。
      In late spring from April to mid-ming, thaw, flowers are blooming, it is a good season to watch Xing'an azaleas and the wild picking. In summer from early June, cool wind, the mountain turning green, and the most suitable for drifting, summer reorts, and forest tourism, mountaineering and self-driving tour, Fall from mid-September, Yichun has become a colorful world, mountain and forest with variously colors, make visitors tour the Fairyland, as a heaven for poet, painter, photographer, but right for also mining mushrooms, picking stick, pine nuts, make feel the joy of the autumn harvest season. Into the winter, the beautiful snow-wrapped Xiao Xing'an Mountains, silver trees and white leaf around, watching the fog giaze, sking, skating, playing with snow, driving snow motor......

12. 自从上大学以来,每个冬天都是在广州度过的,就从没看到过下雪了。真怀念以前在家的时候,下雪天里打雪仗,堆雪人,围着炉子烤火。
      Since my times of college, every winter I can not see the white snow in Guangzhou, so, I always get yearning with the weather of winter. in the snow days, we have a snowball fight, make snowman, toast around the fire place.

13. 你想要和我们一起玩打雪仗吗?
      Do you want to come snowballing with us?

14. 打雪仗的近义词

14. 记 忆 经常闪现在我眼前,滑雪,打雪仗堆雪人。。。。。。这一切都非常的
      Memories often flash in my eyes, skiing, Snowball fight and Snowman……In fact, it is very

15. 我不想回家,我想和你玩打雪仗
      I want to have asnow ball fight with you.

16. 打雪仗的近义词

16. 我不想回家,我想和你玩打雪仗
      I want to have asnow ballfightwith you.

17. 打雪仗的反义词

17. 我早早的叫上几个朋友,一起在学校里打雪仗
      I called in my friends early and played with them in our school.

18. 对啊。我还等着打雪仗呢。
      Yeah. I was expecting to be able to play in the snow.

19. 在很多地方冬天意味着滑冰、雪橇运动和打雪仗
      Winter in many places means ice skating, sledding and snowball fights.

20. 911查询·英语单词

20. 我们排队买饭的时候,他和杰西卡在绘声绘色地谈论打雪仗的情形。
      He and Jessica were talking animatedly about the snow fight as we got in line to buy food.
