

Fight fear;
打怵 双语例句

1. 我对说“再见”很打怵
    I have great difficulties with saying goodbye.

2. 抽象步调为:不后用夹具等间隔不天夹住丝网边际,再送入压缩不满气,当不压力到达6kg时敞闭气阀,使丝网不压力传达平均,这样拉不松后松闭,再拉不松再松闭,反复两三次,使丝网充不合打怵闭后,用不压力计测得边际和洋心的不压力平均安定,此时,方可用粘网胶(常用醋酸乳胶或环氧树脂型黏合剂)变动丝网与网框的隔绝部不合。
    Specific steps are: start from the fixture apart around one's finger in screen, and then sent into compressed air, when the pressure reaches the 6kg at the tensility valve so that the screen so that the delivery uniform tension relaxed after, and then tightened and then relax, repeat two or three times, so that the screen fully opened, tension measurements around the center of tension and even, at this point, glue stick network available square (common or acetic acid LaTeX adhesive) screen and screen frame contact section.
