



词典make puzzling remarks打哑谜。

打哑谜 双语例句

1. 我急着要走,没时间和你打哑谜
    I am in a hurry, and have no time to speak in riddles with you.

2. 打哑谜

2. 你这是在打哑谜,为什么不直截了当地把你的意思说出来呢?
    You're speaking in riddles; why can't you just say what you mean in an uncomplicated way?

3. 讲话时你得打哑谜,如果你做事,不管是什麼事,你都必须是狡猾且看起来邪恶。
    You have to talk in riddles, and if you do anything, you have to be tricky and look evil.

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4. 莉莉:你们会打哑谜吗?
    Lily: Do you know how to play charades?

5. 你们会打哑谜
    Do you know how to play charades?

6. 有关此类交易的公告完全就是在打哑谜
    Public announcements of such deals are something of a charade.

7. 打哑谜的反义词

7. 不要暗示,不要绕弯子,也别打哑谜
    No hints, no insinuations, no clever allusions.

8. 别给我们打哑谜啦!
    Don't keep us guessing.

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9. 别再打哑谜了,解释一下发生了什么事。
    Stop talking in riddles and explain what's going on.

10. 你给儿子娶媳妇了,还在这儿和我们打哑谜
    You decided to marry your son off, and you keep mum.

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11. 抱歉,我应该停止打哑谜
      Sorry, I should stop speaking in riddles.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 你是在打哑谜,博学的先生,牧师斜瞥着窗外说。
      You speak in riddles, learned sir, said the pale minister, glancing aside out of the window.
