1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
1. LYT:24.班花-JQ | 25.扁扁-LYT | 26.民工-ZSH
1. 扁扁的近义词
1. 一双大大的眼睛,黑黑的鼻子,扁扁的嘴巴,旁边还有两片大大的皱皮,看上去可怜巴巴的。
It has a pair of big eyes, a black nose and a funny flat mouth. And it has two pieces of big wrinkle skin on its face.
2. 扁扁
2. 小白兔的鼻子扁扁的,嘴唇分成三瓣,总是不停地耸动着,不知是因为害怕,还是随时在根据气味寻觅食物。
Small white rabbit nose lips into three disc, pianpian, always kept stirring, not because they are afraid of, or at any time according to smell looking for food.
3. 扁扁什么意思
3. 她将小瓶轻轻摇晃几下,再拧开黑色瓶盖,用扁扁的刷头沾取一点指甲油,由指甲根部,向甲尖,一根一根地,很仔细地涂抹着。
First shaking the bottle, then unscrewing the black cap, she dipped the square-headed brush into the nail polish and applied it very carefully one by one to her nails, starting at the roots and working upwards to the tips.
4. 我现在都不敢回家了,看着两老,再看看我扁扁的肚子…心酸呀我公公又得了晚期肝癌…更心酸呀…要是今年没怀上就离算了…心里却有了这种想法了
I dare not go home now, watching the two old, and then take a look at my stomach扁扁father-in-law … I am sad it had advanced liver cancer and more sad … you … if not pregnant this year, just on from there … in mind the idea of
5. 他的脸扁扁的,布满了雀斑,长着一双稚气的圆眼睛。
His face was shallow, freckled, and his eyes were round child eyes
6. 释迦牟尼佛在灵鹫山那儿山底下走,他在山上边用一块大石头,往下一推,就预备把释迦牟尼佛砸扁扁的,砸成肉饼。
The Dharma Protectors raced to the rescue and rammed the boulder with their vajra pestles to send it off in another direction.
7. 口袋里没东西的时候是扁扁的,不过,口袋里藏有活褶,可以扩展口袋大小。
They're flat when empty, but have a hidden pleat which lets them expand.
8. 扁扁
8. 东南部人觉得这个地区满是朽掉的纺织厂,住的全是戴着扁扁帽子带着小灵狗的怪人。
The South East regards the area as being entirely covered by decayed textile mills, and populated by strange people wearing flat caps accompanied by whippets.
9. 他生就一只端正的鹰钩鼻,两片扁扁的薄嘴唇,四肢匀称,风度翩翩,众人立刻觉得此人非寻常之辈。
His well-formed aquiline nose, straight thin lips, and the admirable contour of his finely-formed limbs, impressed the whole company instantly with the idea of something uncommon.
10. 他的脸扁扁的,布满了雀斑,长着一双稚气的圆眼睛。
His face was shallow, freckled, and his eyes were round child eyes.
11. 还有下垂的腹部和扁扁的胸部有美感的。
Ugly scar and my sagging stomach and my leaky nipples beautiful.
12. 它打在防弹汽车的护板上,碰得扁扁的,像一枚边缘呈锯齿状的一角钱硬币,反弹开来,钻进罗尼的身体。
After striking a panel of the armored car, it flattened out to the size of a jagged-edged dime, bounced off, and then pierced Ronnie's body.
13. 古老的城堡(jokamachi)和寺院群(teramachi)扁扁平平,那里曾居住过武士和富有的商贾们。
The old quarters of jokamachi and teramachi, where samurai and prosperous merchants once lived, are pancake-flat.
14. 它看来象一块扁扁的石头,但却是一只乌龟。
It looked like a flat stone but it was a turtle.
15. 扁扁
15. 那小东西扁扁平平;
It was something small and flat.
16. 石家庄就没有这种扁扁车。
U can't find bus such like this in Shijiazhuang.
17. 扁扁的反义词
17. 他用一个扁扁的信封装了手稿,寄给了《旧金山检验者》的编辑。
He mailed the manuscript in a flat envelope, and addressed it to the editor of the SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER.
18. 扁扁
18. 在看看这个令人恶心,糟糕的扁扁的东西。
Look at this sorry, miserable, squashed thing.
19. 911查询·英语单词
19. 当我们离开松树林时,师父看到前面有一棵小小扁扁的仙人掌,于是停下脚步来。这棵仙人掌因为曾经被压过,现在长得扁扁的。
As we were leaving the pine grove, master stopped because she saw in front of her a small cactus that had been squashed and was now growing flat.
20. 扁扁
20. 只可惜荷包扁扁,不然,天知道我现在晃悠到了中国的哪里。
Can only cherish wallet flat, otherwise, the day know my now to sway leisurely arrive China of where.