

成诵[chéng sòng]

词典able to recite成诵。


词典able to repeat from memory成诵。

成诵 汉英大词典

成诵[chéng sòng]


(能够背诵) able to recite; able to repeat from memory:


    read again and again until one knows by heart; learn by rote

成诵 双语例句

1. 完美的;圆满的现在完成时;现在完成式过目成诵的;能背得滚瓜烂熟的
    If an object or surface is perfect, it does not have any marks on it, or does not have any lumps, hollows, or cracks in it.

2. 成诵的意思

2. 前者是霍克斯教授的意译版本;后者是杨宪益教授和戴乃迭的直译文:(35)黛玉说:你说你会过目成诵,难道我就不能一目十行了!
    Plant melons and get melons, sow beans and get beans → You reap what you have sown.)(34)真金不怕火 True gold fears no fire→ A person of integrity can stand severe tests.

3. 这就清楚地说明了熟读成诵对写作是多么重要。所以要想写出好文章,就必须大量读书,它是写作基础。
    Not only very carefully, but also aloud, and that again and again till you know the passage by heart and write it as if it were your own.

4. 有的好文章需要反复地读几遍,甚至熟读成诵
    Some good article read again and again several times, even the familiar into a chant.

5. 语文教学是传承民族文化的主要渠道,熟读成诵,进行语言积累是传统语文教学的法宝,也是语文学习行之有效的手段之一。
    Chinese education is the main channel of inheritance people culture, perusal able to recite, undertake the language accumulates a magic weapon that is traditional Chinese education, also be one of methods of Chinese study effective.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. 阅读教学;五个方面问题;体情察意;熟读成诵
    Reading; teaching; five aspects of problems; reading skilfully for speaking

7. 成诵什么意思

7. 可见,广泛阅读,熟读成诵,是储备语言材料、培养语感、发展语言能力的一个必不可少的环节。
    Visible, extensive reading, familiar into a chant, is a reserve of linguistic material, cultivating a sense of language, developing language skills an essential component.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. 我的母亲贵为公主,一目十行、过目成诵、比爹爹有过之而无不极。
    My mother honored as the princess, Yimushixing, Guomuchengsong than daddy and everything it had been very.
