

懈气[xiè qì]

词典slacken one's efforts懈气。

懈气 汉英大词典

懈气[xiè qì]

slacken one's efforts

懈气 双语例句

1. 懈气的翻译

1. 如果现在懈气的话,只怕以后想再实现这个目标就更难了。
    If it were tried now, it would be far harder to pull off.

2. 懈气

2. 那时中国的坚持抗战、坚持统一战线和坚持持久战的任务,就更加显得严重,更加不能丝毫懈气
    China's task of persevering in the War of Resistance, the united front and the protracted war will then become all the more weighty, and it will be all the more necessary not to slacken our efforts in the slightest.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 别懈气
    Be of good cheers!
