1. 走进獒园,您不仅会对藏獒的忠诚、冷静、敏锐、凶猛所震撼,同时也会被幼獒既憨态可掬又不失机警的特点所感染。
About A garden, you will not only have the loyalty of Tibetan mastiff, cool, sharp, fierce the shock, but also by young mastiff both charmingly naive, yet wary of the characteristics of infection.
2. 假若不得不花一个小时左右等候火车他们会两眼圆睁、憨态可掬地发呆。
Bring theseellows into the country, or set them aboard shipand youwil1see how they pine or their desk or their smay.
3. 憨态可掬是什么意思
3. 憨态可掬的大熊猫是动物园中最受欢迎的明星。
With an air of charming naivety, the panda is the most popular star in zoo.
4. 晶晶是一只憨态可掬的大熊猫,无论走到哪里都会带给人们欢乐。
Jingjing is a darling panda, regardless of walks to where can take to the people to be happy.
5. 憨态可掬在线翻译
5. 晶晶是一只憨态可掬的大熊猫,无论走到哪里都会带给人们欢乐。
Is a darling panda, regardless of walks to where can take tothe people to be happy.
6. 还记得在2006年世界杯只有一小狮子憨态可掬吗?
Still remember the World Cup in 2006 only a small lion憨态可掬it?
7. 最后我们去的是熊猫馆,著名的熊猫看上去憨态可掬,你们会喜欢它们的。
Finally, we will go to the Panda House. The famous animals look very honest. You will like them very much.
8. 他们是住在南极的拥有一副憨态可掬外表的精灵们。
They are eidolons with a artless appearance which liveing in south pole.
9. 看它憨态可掬的样子,真可爱!
Look at its charmingly naive look really cute!
10. 中国的国宝是一只只憨态可掬的大熊猫,牡丹绽放地最灿烂的时刻就是偶们中国最富饶的时刻!
China's national treasures, giant pandas only charmingly naive, peony and opening up is the richest moment of time!
11. 而且,小狗小猫憨态可掬,训练它们应对入室盗贼的各种把戏或任务也充满乐趣,这些足以让饲养它们而造成的种种不便可以忽略不计了。
In addition, the playful antics of a puppy or kitten and the joy of training them to perform various tricks and tasks more than makes up for any inconvenience they may cause while housebreaking.
12. 弥足珍贵,憨态可掬的大熊猫已成为世界和平友好的使者。
It is also an envoy of peace and friendship for the world.
13. 晶晶是一只大熊猫,每当我捧起它时,他都憨态可掬地偏着头对我微笑着。
Jingjing is a panda, whenever I won the it, he charmingly naive for me to bias his head, smiling.
14. 憨态可掬的翻译
14. 巧雕的小佛,袒胸露腹,双耳下垂,福像横生,笑口常开,憨态可掬。话术士的技巧中有个令人入睡的特术?所以我就画了这张搞笑图。
Small carvings of the Buddha, attorney Lu tail, ears droop, as a blessing to startle, beaming, secure a safety belt around. " Mimic Daravon " is a Mediator skill that puts people to sleep in Final Fantasy Tactics, hence this gag poster.
15. 这四个漂亮的植物果然“名不虚传”:有积极向上的芦荟、有憨态可掬的仙人球,英姿挺拔的仙人掌上顶着一个红彤彤的仙人掌花。
These four beautiful plant was " a well-deserved reputation ": the aloe vera has a positive upwards, with the cactus, the cactus Yingzi straight Pull off a red cactus flower.
16. 大熊猫是世界珍稀动物,是中国的国宝。弥足珍贵,憨态可掬的大熊猫已成为世界和平友好的使者。
The precious and childlike giant panda is a rare animal and a national treasure of China. It is also an envoy of peace and friendship for the world.
17. 画作中的48只的大熊猫,憨态可掬,热情地欢迎着来自世界四面八方的人们。
The48 giant pandas in the paintings, being naive and warm welcome people from all over the world.
18. 这真的喜欢玩游戏和看憨态可掬。
It really likes playing games and looks charmingly na ï ve.
19. 憨态可掬的解释
19. 一尾憨态可掬的金鱼,能带给我们纯粹的欢愉。
One cute fish can bring us pure happiness.
20. 这四个漂亮的植物果然“名不虚传”:有积极向上的芦荟、有憨态可掬的仙人球,英姿挺拔的仙人掌上顶着一个红彤彤的仙人掌花。
These four beautiful plant was " a well-deserved reputation ": the aloe vera has a positive upwards, with the cactus, the cactus Yingzi straight Pull off a red cactus flower.