

慧心[huì xīn]


词典a bright mind慧心。

词典a clever, alert mind

词典blazing star多种花色鲜明的植物,极引人注意的人或物,慧心。

慧心 汉英大词典

慧心[huì xīn]


wisdom; a bright mind; a clever, alert mind

慧心 网络解释

1. Wisdom:含笑 Smile 118 | 慧心 Wisdom 119 | 云深 In the Cloud 120

2. Wai Sam House:Sin Sam House善心 | Wai Sam House慧心 | Wing Sam House荣心

慧心 双语例句

1. 慧心

1. 扰害己家的、必承受清风。愚昧人必作慧心人的仆人。
    Nothing, and the fool will be a servant to the wise person.

2. 11:29 扰害己家的,必承受清风。愚昧人必作慧心人的仆人。
    He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.

3. 扰害己家的,必承受清风。愚昧人必作慧心人的仆人。
    He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise.

4. 029 扰害己家的,必承受清风;愚昧人必作慧心人的仆人。
    He that troubles his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 在与其诗文及人格进行平等对话、交流的过程中,我们看见了一个任真自得、真实可感、平易近人的陶渊明,他既是一个有着七情六欲的普通人,又是一个用慧心感受美、用生命的体验写诗、用通达的人生态度和睿智的人生理想面对世事纷纭的达者。
    During the process talking and communicating equally with him and his poems we see a sincere, truly-feeled and amiable Tao Yuanming, who is not only an ordinary man but also a broad-minded people. He feels beauty with wisdom, write poems with life experienced and face up to diverse and confused world with sapient attitude to life.

6. 有慧心的人,被称为哲人;温和的口吻,更具说服力。
    The wise man is esteemed for his discernment, yet pleasing speech increases his persuasiveness.

7. 如果要开启智慧心,抗拒外界毫无意义的喧嚣嘈杂,静默是个基本要素。
    Silence is the basic ingredent for entering into our intuitive mind and to resist the cacophony of meaningless noises outside.

8. 如果我们拥有荷的慧心,就能从一切烦恼和灰暗中觉悟。
    If we have the wise, can from all the troubles and gloomy in consciousness.

9. 慧心

9. 我不但因为她有姿色,更因为她有慧心而敬重她。
    I esteem her for her good sense, as much as I admire her for her good looks

10. 慧心

10. 照片中的梦凡在慧心的微笑!
    The dream in the photograph any is in the smile of Hui heart!

11. 有魅力的人不仅受众人欢迎,更是纯净社会的慧心
      Any person with this is more than just a popular fellow; he is also a social healer.

12. 慧心

12. 让我们以慧心看过去,以信心看未来,以爱心看周围。
      Let us lookbehind us with understanding, before us with faith, around us with love.

13. 但是,这些慧心兰质而又事业有成的女士们来了又去,他仍旧孑然一身。
      But then those beautiful and smart and successful women came and went. And he still hadn`t fallen in love.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 摘 要:约翰·邓恩别出心裁、慧心独具,善于使用几何学知识和意象,尤其是三角意象和圆形意象。本文着重分析邓恩圆形意象在描写爱情与死亡时的寓意,认为,邓恩的圆形意象反映了诗人对当时英国各种社会现象的独特思考和他本人充满矛盾的内心世界。
      john donne was unique and singular at using geometry knowledge and ima gery, particularly the triangle image and the circle image. this article focuseson an analysis of the meaning of the circle image in describing love and death, holding the idea that donne's circle images reflected his unique thinking aboutthe different social phenomena in england of that time and his inner world whic h was full of contradiction.

15. 慧心的解释

15. 《慧心莲》和《重返桃花源》是她最新出版的两部佛教小说,这两部小说在台湾引起了重大的反响。
      " Wisdom Lotus " and " Return To The Peach Garden " are the Buddhism novels that she has published up to now.

16. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

16. 正是缘起的慧心所体验并知道正念的所缘是无我的。
      It is the conditioned mental factor panna or wisdom which experiences or knows the objects of sati as not Self.

17. 勒索使智慧人变为愚妄。贿赂能败坏人的慧心
      Extortion turns a wise man into a fool, and a bribe corrupts the heart.

18. 慧心

18. 除印度和尼泊尔以外,孟加拉国、斯里兰卡、泰国、马来西亚和新西兰也都参加了此次会议。(本站编译:慧心
      Beside India and Nepal, other participating countries are: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia and New Zealand.

19. 《慧心莲》和《重返桃花源》是她最新出版的两部佛教小说,这两部小说在台湾引起了重大的反响。
      " Wisdom Lotus " and " Return To The Peach Garden " are the Buddhism novels that she has published up to now.
