

感铭[ɡǎn mínɡ]


感铭 双语例句

1. 感铭

1. 我们只需尽力去做,求得一份付出之后的坦然和快乐,奉上我们的真心,然而感铭自己的博大。
    We just need to do our best to obtain a pay calm and happy after, offer our sincere, but a sense of their own broad-ming.

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2. 让读者进一步了解到藏族文化中和谐思想的精髓,令人感铭于心,成为与我们相随的伴侣与慰籍。
    Allow readers to understand Tibetan culture harmonious thinking of the essence, I find Martin at heart, We become partners with the song of comfort.

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3. 妈妈总舍不得她离开去别的地方待长的一段时间,所以她不曾体会思念一座城市的感情,她只知道千丝万缕的牵挂一个人,是怎样的感铭五内,也就是她心目中的启蒙老师罗雪娟姐姐。
    Total reluctant to leave her mother to go somewhere else to be a long period of time, so she never missed an experience of the city's feelings, she only knew countless concerned about a person a sense of what the Ming V to, that is, her mind the first teachers of Luo Xuejuan sister.
