

惨笑[cǎn xiào]


词典wan smile惨笑。

词典smile wanly惨笑。

惨笑 汉英大词典

惨笑[cǎn xiào]

wan smile; smile wanly

惨笑 网络解释

1. ghastly smile:crack a smile [美口]面带笑容 | ghastly smile 惨笑 | I should smile 我才不干呢; 我才不在乎呢 我很高兴; 好得很

2. bleak smile:残体覆盖耕作法/trashing farming | 惨笑/bleak smile | 舱面值班员/deck watch

3. danci.911cha.com

3. canxiao:惨烈--canlie | 惨笑--canxiao | 惨遭--canzao

4. acfj:惨烈acdh | 惨笑acfj | 天昏地暗acgb

惨笑 双语例句

1. 惨笑什么意思

1. 他脸上露出一丝惨笑。不适合
    There was a ghastly smile on his face.

2. 惨笑什么意思

2. 南瓜王带着他骷髅的惨笑,厌倦了他的冠冕。
    That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin would tire of his crown.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 她说的时候,脸上露出一点儿可怜的惨笑
    What!'said he, thinking from the strangeness of her manner that she was in some delirium.

4. 惨笑的翻译

4. 他机械地将胳膊前后摆动,脸上是做操时必得挂着的惨笑,心底里却拼了命把思绪扯回孩提时晦暗的回忆。
    As he mechanically shot his arms back and forth, wearing on his face the look of grim enjoyment which was considered proper during the Physical Jerks, he was struggling to think his way backward into the dim period of his early childhood.

5. 惨笑的解释

5. 不论是假笑、惨笑还是真正的不好意思的笑都能让对方放你一马的想法强烈一点。
    It doesn't matter whether it's a false smile, a miserable smile or a real felt smile, they all work to make us want to give the transgressor a break.

6. 那男孩的第一声惨叫是一声惨笑
    The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh

7. 惨笑

7. 我求告于他,对他说,我只是哈克啊。不过,他如此这般地惨笑了一下,又吼了起来,咒骂了起来,又使劲追我。
    I begged, and told him I was only Huck; but he laughed SUCH a screechy laugh, and roared and cussed, and kept on chasing me up.
