

惨境[cǎn jìng]

词典miserable condition惨境;惨状。


词典tragic circumstances惨境。


词典dire straits困厄;惨境。

惨境 汉英大词典

惨境[cǎn jìng]

miserable condition; tragic circumstances; dire straits

惨境 网络解释

1. acgz:惨毒acgq | 惨境acgz | 惨苦achr

惨境 双语例句

1. 看到他处于那样的惨境,她哭了。
    She wept to see him in such a terrible state.

2. 他们用自己的方式来表达不同的意见,在遭遇惨境的时候请求贵族的庇护。
    They can talk their way out of many disagreements, calling upon noble defenders in more dire situations.

3. 惨境的翻译

3. 正式这个人使我的事业生活陷入惨境。然而令人惊奇的事发生了
    A man who has made my professional life a misery, and an amazing thing happened.

4. 惨境

4. 它只是注视那片惨境,并提醒心灵:眼前景象都是虚妄的。
    It merely looks on devastation, and reminds the mind that what it sees is false.

5. 例如马里兰的一名林木农民,最近就面临着数以百计的树木将被砍倒的惨境
    A tree farmer in Maryland, for example, recently faced the loss of hundreds of trees.

6. 惨境是什么意思

6. 北川的惨境让人不忍多看。
    To the army and formula to orphanages.

7. 惨境的解释

7. 当地人还能领到生活补助,但许多人还是陷入无家可归的惨境
    Locals are at last getting paid, but many are still homeless.

8. 惨境的解释

8. 但是,这种心灵上的惨境却没有先前的受苦和此后的惩罚那样可怕。
    This state of mental anguish is, however, less terrible than the sufferings that precede or the punishment that possibly will follow.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 亚洲股市昨日纷纷遭遇今年最严重的盘中跌幅,某些股市的惨境堪比2001年9月11日恐怖袭击后的糟糕日子。
    Asian stocks suffered some of their worst intra-day falls this year, with some markets faring as badly as in the days following the September 2001 terrorist attacks.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. 今天的房地产市场营销工具,使一种智慧,是真正的惨境,如古代文人?
    Today`s real estate marketing tool, giving a sense of wits, is it really in dire straits, such as the ancient literati?
