1. 其真正的含义惊颤在天花乱坠的广告宣传中消失了。
The true meaning is often lost in advertising hype.
2. 感到一次惊颤,在某些夜晚的静谧中
With the right chopsticks, I can eat with
3. 我突然感到确有危险而打了个寒噤——这是一种使人联想到灭顶之灾的惊颤。
I had suddenly felt a chill conviction of danger, a shiver that suggested overwhelming evil
4. 我猛然惊醒,感到寒冷惊颤。
I heard strange noises coming from histhroat.
5. 惊颤是什么意思
5. 当出乎意料地出现了一个恐惧刺激物,那么受害人可能会跳起或打一个惊颤。
When a fear stimulus occurs unexpectedly, the victim of the fear response could possibly jump or give a small start.
6. 惊颤的解释
6. 哪怕你两年前告知投资者一桶原油要花大概50美元,也不会惊颤他们身上的肥肉——就像谐星Frankie Howerd曾经说过的那样[1]。
Had investors been told two years ago that crude would cost around $50 a barrel, their flabbers would not have been gasted, as Frankie Howerd, a comedian, used to say.
7. 惊颤
7. 我顿时身心惊颤,窥视着他的眼睛低声说
Totally thrilled, I looked into his eyes and whispered
8. 惊颤在线翻译
8. 一合上眼往事历历重现,我惊颤着彻底清醒过来,打开床边的灯,心中的往事却遁散了许多。
I doze off and then snap back again, wide awake and shivering. Leaving the bedside lamp on helps, but not as much as you might think.