1. 惊涛巨浪什么意思
1. 浮沉》系列将一系列中国古典建筑置于波涛汹涌的巨浪之上,乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,使我们对人类文化遗产的继承与文明的延续产生难言的忧虑。
Ups and Downs Series, by putting a series of Chinese classical buildings on a rough sea, raises our unspeakable concern about the destiny of the cultural heritage and the survival of our civilization.
2. 如果老板会游泳,那么他可能会从伊妹儿的惊涛巨浪里死里逃生,否则就只能被细节活活淹死。
If the boss knows how to swim, he could probably survive the email deluge.
3. 惊涛巨浪在线翻译
3. 凤凰深藏似海的感情,并不是平静无波的,而是惊涛巨浪般的,在我们的身体中不断宣泄,在我们的精神间来回激荡。
The deep sentiment of Phoenix as sea of sentimental is not tranquil, but as very rough sea waves slash in our body and back and forth surges in our spirit.
4. 如果老板会游泳,那么他可能会从伊妹儿的惊涛巨浪里死里逃生,否则就只能筋疲力尽并被活活淹死。
If he knows how to swim, he could probably survive the email (11) deluge, otherwise, he will be totally exhausted and drowned.
5. 非洲狂野海岸一带就存在这类条件,在那里,强劲的西北风与快速狭长的流向海岸的阿加勒斯海流相互作用,造成了惊涛巨浪。
Such conditions exist along Africa's wild coast, where strong winds blowing from the north-west interact with the swift and narrow Agulhas current flowing down the coast to produce enormous waves.
6. “平海惊涛掀巨浪,与时俱进展翅飞”。
Lift Jingtao Pinghai waves, wings to fly with the times.