




情种 网络解释

1. aguo:一鼓作气agtk | 情种aguo | 情夫agva

情种 双语例句

1. 情种的解释

1. 你以为你是谁爱心泛滥的发情种
    What are you, one of these bleeding heart motherfuckers?

2. 情种的近义词

2. 完颜洪烈可以说是个道道地地的情种,不但对爱情忠贞不渝,而且爱的境界相当之高。
    Wanyanhonglie can be said to a round after round of the situation, not only for the faithful love, but love the realm of very high.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. “若生于公侯富贵之家,则为情痴情种”他对那位姑娘是一片痴情。
    " Born into rich and noble families, such people will become romantic eccentrics; " He's infatuated with that girl.

4. 情种

4. “若生于公侯富贵之家,则为情痴情种
    " Born into rich and noble families, such people will become romantic eccentrics; "

5. 情种的解释

5. 他是个地地道道的情种
    He is a real Romeo.

6. 法国人想把他们的形象作为大情种兜售给我们。
    The French try to sell us their image as great lovers.

7. 难道我天生就是个情种!!??

8. 他呀!天生就是个情种,听说当初他为中学的女朋友削苹果,把手都削了多少道口子!
    Kind of affection, for secondary school when he heard his girlfriend Xiaopingguo. Road cuts have cut the number of hands!

9. 情种

9. 可是你这一念温柔,已经心里下了情种
    But those tender feelings of yours have already planted the seed of love in your heart.

10. 情种

10. 但他对之大献殷勤的姑娘却不是简而是爱玛。爱玛明白韦斯顿夫妇希望这颗情种能够开花结果。
    Emma rather than Jane was the recipient of his gallantries, however, and Emma could see that Mr. and Mrs. Weston were hoping that the romance would prosper.

11. 情种在线翻译

11. “若生于公侯富贵之家,则为情痴情种”他对那位姑娘是一片痴情。
      " Born into rich and noble families, such people will become romantic eccentrics;" He's infatuated with that girl.

12. 情种是什么意思

12. “若生于公侯富贵之家,则为情痴情种
      " Born into rich and noble families, such people will become romantic eccentrics;"
