



悼文 网络解释

1. 悼文的近义词

1. eulogy n:etiquette n. 礼仪,礼节 | eulogy n. 颂词,颂文;悼文,悼词 | euphonious adj. 悦耳的

悼文 双语例句

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1. 敦煌写本祭悼文研究
    A Study on the Memorial Obituarese in DunHuang Handwritten Books

2. 悼文的翻译

2. 用户还可以上传至爱亲人的照片或为其撰写的悼文,和亲友一同怀念。
    Users can also upload pictures or memorial essays about loved ones to share with family and friends.

3. 悼文什么意思

3. 基本都是为她的突然去世表示惋惜和哀悼的悼文
    Are essential for the sudden death of her regret and condolencesto the Daowen.

4. 母亲还写了一篇优美的悼文,打算在我们撒骨灰前诵读一遍。
    Mother had written a beautiful eulogy which she intended to read before we scattered the ashes.

5. 可以练练英语,他们有时候写的英文,包括悼文很不错的,基本大同小异,但是一个中心就是要给你汇款,情深意切,你就是把住钱袋就行,我已经更他们玩了几次了,英文邮件大有提高。
    Let me know your willingness before i give you more details.

6. 我继续说他在几天前的夜里死了,我是一名林肯镇的报社记者,他也住在哪儿,我想了解一下他的基本情况,然后可以写一篇悼文
    The skinny guy turned around to face me. `He died a couple nights ago. I`m a reporter for the newspaper in Lincoln, where he lived, and I`m trying to get some basic information so I can write his obituary.

7. 悼文

7. 多数在我之前于此致词者,已要求立法相关人士将这份悼文加入我们其他的丧礼习俗中。
    Most of those who have spoken here before me have commended thelawgiver who added this oration to our other funeral customs.
