




悲凄 网络解释

1. Mournfulness:01.Net Love 心网 | 02.Mournfulness悲凄 | 03.Look far in to the Barren Hill空山遥望

悲凄 双语例句

1. 如叶荣钟诗作充满悲凄落寞之感,虚谷诗风转向清淳淡远,但这只是严峻时局下的隐忍。
    They, the people from Taiwan, didn't identify themselves with Japanese, who established a colony in Taiwan.

2. 起来,脱离环境加予你的压制和悲凄,活出新的生命!
    Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you— Rise to a new life!

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3. 贵妃杨玉环代表着一去不复返的大唐盛世,晚唐诗作笼罩着一种咏史怀古的伤悼悲凄情调,离历史越来越远的晚唐文人在面对当时更为残酷的唐代政局时,开始反思历史,总结历史经验。
    Yang Yuhuan was on behalf of the flourishing age that had been away, the poems of the late-Tang ware shrouded with the sadness and the feelings of missing the old days.

4. 埙的音色幽深、悲凄、哀婉、绵绵不绝,具有一种独特的音乐品质。
    The batardeau timbre profound, sorrowful, sorrowful, is continuous, has one kind of unique music quality.

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5. 我对妳是多麼在意;生命中没了妳的偎依,我会是多麼悲凄
    How much you mean to me; How much my life would suffer without your company.

6. 赫克托尔同样充满着高贵和悲凄的命运,这该是西方艺术的一种主脉络了。
    Hector also is full of noble and mournful fate, and this is a kind of Western art in the main thread.

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7. 北地平原的悲凄气团笼罩在他身上。
    The huge sadness of the northern plains rolled down on him.

8. 作者写出了这种爱情被毁灭的凄惨哀艳,在语言风格以至总体风貌上呈现出悲凄而又慷慨的特色。
    The destruction of love under such surroundings was repeated by Kong. His style of writing was plaintive and sympathized.

9. 子舆走进门,将食物递给子桑,然后说:「你的歌声为什么这么悲凄
    Entering the house, he hand food to Zi Sang and said, Why is your song so sad?

10. 小说中对空寂的追求以及遍布小说始终的感伤、凄怆、悲凄和孤独等都凝聚了日本传统文学的悲与美,这是作者审美情结的真实体现。
    The pursuit of illusion and loneliness in the works and the sentiment, desolation, lamentation and solitary through the works from beginning to end, all are the author's real reflections of his aesthetics of sorrowfulness and beautifulness in traditional literature.

11. 悲凄的反义词

11. 那妇人悲凄地哭个不停。
      The woman wailed with sorrow.

12. “不,”他说,舔一舔自己的嘴唇,“可是你得承认,这是一个悲凄的结局。”
      " No, " said he, wetting his lips, " but you'll allow yourself, it's a cold ending. "

13. 至于悲凄,则是由于社会的动乱和王朝的衰微,这个时期的诗歌多半都染上了感伤的色彩。
      As mournful, it is due to social unrest and the decline of the dynasty, the poetry of this period most of them infected with the sentimental colors.

14. 悲凄

14. 这部分从情感基调、意境和艺术手法出发,考察其悲凄婉丽的词作风貌;在词学观上分别从词体、词风和词韵三方面进行了归纳概括。
      This part explores its view from its sorrow elegant tone, emotion, and art technique; moreover generalize ideal of Zhou Ci-poetry in three aspects: Style, View, and Rhythm.

15. “不,”他说,舔一舔自己的嘴唇,“可是你得承认,这是一个悲凄的结局。”
      " No," said he, wetting his lips," but you'll allow yourself, it's a cold ending. "
