

悦服[yuè fú]

词典heartily admire悦服。

悦服 汉英大词典

悦服[yuè fú]

heartily admire

悦服 网络解释

1. 悦服的反义词

1. YtfU:YtMAiGbm 跃马扬鞭(yuèmajiabian) | YtfU 悦服(yuèfu) | Ytfa 越发(yuèfa)

2. aynp:来向ayno | 悦服aynp | 来客ayns

悦服 双语例句

1. 基督的回答所显示的智慧使文士衷心悦服
    The wisdom of Christ's answer had convicted the scribe.

2. 悦服什么意思

2. 这样看来,门徒能有三年之久与基督天天接触,这是何等的特权啊﹗耶稣所爱的门徒约翰,对这奇妙的生命力,比他的同伴更为衷心悦服
    The touch of a skillful hand is needed to arouse those dormant faculties. It was such men that Jesus called to be His colaborers; and He gave them the advantage of association with Himself.

3. 这番话得了全体的悦服,就选了斯德望,他是位充满信德和圣神的人,和斐理伯、仆洛曷洛、尼加诺尔、提孟、帕尔默纳及尼苛劳,他是个归依犹太教的安提约基雅人
    And the saying was liked by all the multitude.

4. 如果上不能对贤师中心悦服,下不能尊崇礼仪,而只学些杂乱的知识、读通《诗》、《书》,那么直到老死,也不过是个学识浅陋的书生罢了。
    Unless one can't be sincerely convinced of his teacher and respect and observe the etiquette but to learn such unorderly knowledge like reading Poem and Book, he merely is a unprofound learner until he is old to death.

5. 悦服是什么意思

5. 5这番话得了全体的悦服,就选了斯德望,他是位充满信德和圣神的人,和斐理伯、仆洛曷洛、尼加诺尔、提孟、帕尔默纳及尼苛劳,他是个归依犹太教的安提约基雅人
    The whole community agreed and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and Holy Spirit; Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenus and Nicolaus of Antioch who was a proselyte.

6. 这番话得了全体的悦服,就选了斯德望,他是位充满信德和圣神的人,和斐理伯、仆洛曷洛、尼加诺尔、提孟、帕尔默纳及尼苛劳,他是个归依犹太教的安提约基雅人
    The proposal was acceptable to the whole community, so they chose Stephen, a man filled with faith and the holy Spirit, also Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas of Antioch, a convert to Judaism.
